Page 36 of Van2

I study her, trying to find something in her words—or lack thereof—to get my bearings.

“I don’t buy it,” I snap and that causes her head to jerk my way. “You’ve been all over me the last two weeks, trying to wear me down, and now you’ve got me as a captive audience because I want to know if you’re okay, you’re going silent? What the fuck is the game, Simone?”

I get a rise out of her, and maybe that’s what I was going for because as her eyes narrow, a thrilling rush sweeps through me to have her attention. It’s fucked, but my cock steps up to the plate, stiffening with the desire to play.

Christ… I have to be cracked in the head trying to provoke her, but I stand my ground. In fact, I poke her even more.

Crossing my arms over my chest, I attempt a scathing glance down her body. “Is that your play, Simone? Be here waiting for me in a T-shirt and probably some skimpy panties on underneath—”

“—not wearing any panties,” she says quietly and I almost falter.


“Making me feel sorry for you because you were in an accident? Few bumps and bruises and you, what… think I’m going to go all soft and tender on you?”

I know the words coming out of my mouth are as ridiculous as they sound and Simone must think even more so because she tosses her spoon on the counter before taking two steps to come toe to toe with me.

I don’t give her a chance to talk, though, goading her further. “Think wearing my T-shirt and telling me you’re not wearing panties is going to break me? Is that what you think, baby? That I’ll fall to this mental manipulation and fuck you?”

Simone scoffs, rolling her eyes. “Honestly, Van… I’m not sure you’d even know what to do with it if I were naked and sopping wet for you. I kind of understand what you mean by the shine wearing off. Not sure you’d even do it for me.”

Okay, I know I brought that on, but fuck if she didn’t just shred my man card. In all of her bratty glory over the years, Simone has never implied, inferred or come right out and alleged that I couldn’t satisfy her. And while deep down I recognize her machinations, I’ll admit she just struck hard and deep.

I walk into her, causing her to back up until I walk her right into the center island. Reminiscent of the other night, I have her pinned. I rest a hand on the counter and push the other one right between her legs.

She wasn’t lying about not having on panties and because I could find her pussy in the pitchest of black, my fingers immediately discover she is indeed sopping.

A low growl bubbles in my chest and I can’t fucking help myself. I slowly press my finger inside her, all the while staring at her as it sinks in. Her eyes stay locked on mine but when I’m in to the third knuckle, they flutter closed and her hips rock.

“I know what to do with this,” I say, my voice husky with pure lust for this woman.

“Prove it.” She stares at me with defiant challenge.

Later, after I come down off my orgasm, I’m going to berate myself for this utter lack of strength and conviction. I’ll call myself ten times a fool and I’ll be even more of an ass to Simone to make up for giving in, but that will all come later.

Right now, I’m going to prove it.

I lean in and catch her bottom lip with my teeth, causing her to gasp with surprise. I bite it lightly and then lick it before sweeping my tongue inside her mouth. She moans as I deepen the kiss and her knees nearly buckle as I circle the wet tip of my finger around her clit.

Having decided to fuck my wife, I’m almost delirious with lust. I feel like a randy teenager getting ready to lose my virginity, having had nothing but my fist and dirty fantasies of Simone.

“Get my cock out,” I rasp into her mouth.

Simone is the most sexually adventurous woman I’ve ever known and she doesn’t have a shy bone in her body. She knows my body as well as I know hers, and she’s a pure genius at undoing my pants. This isn’t the first time we’ve both been swept up into a cyclone of desperate need.

I press two fingers back into her and she barely falters while unzipping my pants. She multitasks, rotating her hips as she releases my dick from its prison. I kiss her hard, one hand working between her legs and the other coming up to pinch a nipple. Simone moans and jerks but all the while, she fists my cock and gives me long, sure strokes that have me practically seeing stars. I don’t want to come like a schoolboy, so I bat her hands away from me and use the time to whip off her T-shirt. I kiss my way down her neck, flick my tongue over her nipples and start to lower myself back into the same position I was in the other night. Going to lick her straight to a hot orgasm, then I’m going to fuck my wife, followed by some self-loathing and confusion.

“No,” Simone says, a hand to my cheek to stop my progress. She looks worried about something. “Just fuck me, Van. I don’t need that.”

Need it? Who cares if she needs it? I want to give it.

“I just want you inside me right now,” she says, and while her words trail off, I can read between the lines.

Before I change my mind.

I surge upward, taking Simone with me. My hands go under her ass and her legs wrap around my waist. Our mouths fuse and I consider my options. Too far to her bedroom or mine, so I spin us around and pin her against the refrigerator.

I keep one hand on her bottom, the other sliding into her hair to hold her captive. My mouth works against hers, our tongues tangling, and Simone writhes in my arms. Her pussy rubs back and forth over my cock, driving me fucking mad with the need to be inside her.