Page 17 of Van2

I don’t bother denying what she can so obviously see. “I appreciate your concern but you’ve got far more important things to manage than checking on me.”

“I’m not here to check on you,” Brienne says with a dismissive wave of her hand. “I’m here to help you.”

I blink at her in confusion. “Pardon?”

“You’re part of the Titans family, Simone. You need friendship and I’ve got a whole slew of ladies waiting to bring you into the fold.”

“I’m not really part of the family,” I mutter, sinking a bit in my chair. “Van has asked for a divorce and I followed him here uninvited. He doesn’t want me at the games.”

“Fuck him,” Brienne says, and I actually gasp. “Your brother passed on to Baden who passed on to me the reasons why Van left you and wants the divorce. I also know that you think his reasons are bullshit and you’re attempting to knock some sense into your husband. You are most certainly a part of this team and if Van doesn’t like it, well then… I’m glad to release him from his contract.”

My jaw sags, my mouth hanging open. I can only stare at her, completely in awe and slightly terrified of the power she wields.

“Please don’t cut him from the team. This is the only joy he has right now.”

“As long as he’s not actively hurting you, which I will not abide, then his position is safe.”

“He’s not hurting me,” I rush to assure her. I mean, he is, but it’s through inaction. Still, I’m not going to jeopardize Van’s career. “He’s merely ignoring me and my attempts to talk to him.”

“At least you’re here… in the house. That has to account for something,” she says hopefully.

“I forced my way in and refused to leave. He pretty much stays away… only coming in late at night to sleep.”

Brienne’s eyes cut to the couch. “I’m assuming not in the same room as you.”

“Sadly, no,” I grumble with frustration and I’m not sure why I’m suddenly at ease, but it all comes gushing out. “I’ve tried to seduce him to no avail which has always been the best way to get him to open up. I’ve tried harassing him and poking him and in all ways tried to annoy him because even anger is better than silence. I’m getting nothing. He’s so caught up in this biography that came out and his insistence that it will ruin our—” I halt, not wanting to give away we were trying to have kids. “He’s afraid that the stigma will be too much for me to bear.”

“Surely he’ll change his mind once it all settles down. This will be yesterday’s news before too long.”

I snort with derision. “That stupid book keeps hitting theNew York Timesbestseller list. It’s not dying down.”

Brienne’s expression turns grim. “He is getting hit by reporters at the arena every single day. He seems to be holding up okay and the entire team’s position is simplyno comment, but I’m sure it’s frustrating for him.”

I nod. “Yeah… I get it. I really do. I mean, I read the book. It’s awful and so many things are distorted or are flat-out lies. Van hasn’t read it, thank God, but he knows how vile his father was. I’m sure he’s imagined the worst and he’d be right about it. Still… none of it matters to me. None of it matters to the fans. That was proven when he was first outed as Arco’s son three years ago.”

“Why’s he so upset now?” Brienne asks.

I can’t tell her the real reason. That the stakes are higher with children involved. Instead, I lift a shoulder. “I think this is worse. Before it was just an article, but now it’s an entire book built on Arco’s personal diaries. It brings back a lot of horrible memories for Van.”

Brienne drums her fingertips on the table, appraising me. “I’m sure he’ll come around.”

“I don’t think he will.” My voice cracks and I blink back the tears threatening. I’m so fucking sick of crying. “I was actually thinking of heading back to Vermont.”

Blinking in surprise, Brienne leans forward. “You can’t give up. You haven’t even been here a week.”

“No offense,” I say with resignation, “but I’m exhausted to the bone from trying. And besides that, it’s hard to get my husband back when I can’t even get near him. He’s become a master at avoiding me.”

“Well then,” Brienne says, a sparkle of deviousness in her eyes, “we’ll just have to find a way to put you in his path, won’t we?”

I can’t help but frown. “What do you mean?”

“I mean… you’re coming to the games for starters. Special guest in my suite. That means you’ll come to the after-parties.”

“Van won’t like that.”

“And as you will be my guest, I’m betting he won’t have anything to say about it.” Brienne chuckles. “Also, did you know we have a family lounge at the arena? You can hang out there all day on game days if you want.”

“He’s going to be so mad,” I muse, imagining Van’s expression if he were to walk into the lounge on game day and find me there.