Page 35 of My Romeo

“You didn’t enjoyThe Lord of the Rings?” I laughed. That was what had made me so sleepy. I knew Sloane read all different kinds of books, but that was one I didn’t get. Give me the hot firemen, bikers, or cowboys any day over elves and a bunch of rings.

“Not something I’m into, doll.”

Throttle interrupted my thought, and I shifted in my seat.

Speaking of hot bikers.

Throttle didn’t seem so irritated with me anymore. He seemed to actually tolerate me, which was surprising because I figured for sure when he found out that I was at the clubhouse to spy on them, the whole club would kick me to the curb.

I was wrong.

Sitting in the passenger seat of the club’s van on the way to Colorado was not at all how I saw this day going.

“Well,” I yawned. “What are you into?”

“Music,” he replied simply.

“Can you be more specific?” I laughed.


I figured. I messed with the radio until a rock station came in clear. I sat back in my seat and was surprised I knew the song playing. “Halestorm.”

“Huh? Are you getting delirious on me, Dove? The night is clear.”

I rolled my eyes. “The band playing is Halestorm,” I clarified. “This is one of my favorite songs by them.”

Throttle turned it up and listened.

‘Dirty Work’ was just a banger I never got tired of. When the chorus hit, you couldn’t help but do a little headbang.

The song ended, and I was suddenly amped and not tired.

“Doll,” Throttle called.

I turned down the radio and smiled at him expectantly. “Well?”

“Not at all what I thought you would listen to,” he confessed, “but good.”

I don’t know why I was so worried about what Throttle thought of my favorite song, but I was relieved to know that he liked it. “What about you?” I asked. “What is your favorite song?”

He shrugged and changed lanes to go around a slow car. “Anything by Black Veil Brides.”

“I only know a couple of songs by them.” I pulled up my phone and opened my music app. “I’m going to have to add them to my playlist.”

“Because I like them?”

I added all their albums to my playlist and tucked my phone back in my pocket. “I just like music. Maybe if I listen to the music you like, I can figure you out a little bit more.”

“Figure me out?” he asked.

Oh boy. I should have left that thought in my head. “Uh, not figure you out, just get to know you more.” That was not any better than saying I wanted to figure him out.

“Right,” he drawled. “‘Wake Up’ is a favorite, but I’m not sure what that says about me.”

I smirked and laid my head back. “I’ll listen to it and report back.”

He shook his head and flipped on his blinker.