Page 19 of My Romeo

“So she agrees with him, but she’s going to disagree with him?”

I nodded. “Yes.”


“What do you mean, why? He could have asked her instead of telling her.”

Throttle sipped his coffee. “When is she going to tell him that she agrees with him?”

I shrugged. “I really don’t know. I’m hoping soon, but she could let this run for a while.”

“You’re being unreasonable!” Aero hollered.

Sloane folded her arms over her chest and glowered at Aero.

“You staying?” Throttle asked me. “We don’t know what the hell happened last night, and until we do, it would be best if you guys stay here.”

I peeked over at Throttle. “Yes, I think I’ll stay. You might want to go talk to Aero about how you just asked me if I was staying. It might help him with Sloane.”

Throttle shrugged and sipped his coffee. “Maybe when I finish this cup. It’s pretty entertaining watching him squirm.”

I leaned back and rested against the bar. “Do you guys have any clue what is going on?” Sure, a car crashed through the clubhouse last night, and that was really scary, but I still had my task to find out if the Iron Fiends were into anything illegal. It wasn’t normal to have a building blown up and then a car crash through another building without thinking maybe there was something else going on.

“We’re having church in a couple of hours. Yarder and Compass headed to their rooms to rest for a bit since they were up most of the night patching up the wall,” Throttle explained.

“Why do you think these things are happening?”

Throttle tipped his head to the side. “Uh, not sure, doll. You got any idea why? These things seem to happen when you girls are around,” he countered.

I quirked my eyebrow at him. “Well, I wouldn’t think any of this would be happening since you guys are just a motorcycle club, right?”

“Yes,” he drawled. “So then the connection must be you, Sloane, Olive, or Faye.”

“Unless you guys have some people you pissed off and are now your enemies,” I countered. How could this have anything to do with the girls? I was unemployed, Sloane, for the time being, worked at the ice cream factory, and Olive and Faye, well, I wasn’t entirely sure what they were up to, but I had to assume it wasn’t anything that would result in explosions and car crashes.

“If we have enemies, we don’t know it. We’re an MC with a repair shop and a gym, doll. I don’t think either of those things would piss anyone off.”

He was right, but there had to be more to it. “You guys aren’t into other things?”

“Things like what?” he asked.

I shrugged and popped a nut in my mouth. “Just things.” Drugs, murder, kidnapping: the things my dad would be interested in knowing. “Illegal things.”

“You think if we were into some illegal shit that we would have agreed to do a goddamn TV show?” he laughed.

“Well, no,” I muttered, “but none of this makes sense.”

He took a sip of his coffee. “Tell me about it, doll. We’ve all been scratching our heads trying to figure this all out since the gym blew up.”

“You guys must have pissed off someone.”

“Better get Scooby-Doo and the gang on it, Dove, because none of us can figure out what the hell is going on.”

I rolled my eyes and jumped off my stool. “Hey,” I called. “She already decided she was going to stay at the clubhouse, Aero. Next time, try talking to her instead of ordering her around.” Sloane was going to drag this out forever unless I just ripped off the band-aid that we were staying.

“This whole time, you already decided you were going to stay here?” Aero grumbled.

Sloane shrugged. “I’m not dumb, Aero. I know being with you is safer for me.” She pointed at me. “Even Dove knew that, and she never likes to do the right thing.”