“We have a new foundation my brothers and I started a little while ago. We invest in charitable causes to help people,” he explains, shrugging like it is no big deal.

“A foundation? What do you mean, a foundation?” I ask, wanting more information, having no real idea what he is talking about.

“My brothers and I own a lot of different businesses. Harrison is governor, as you know. Ben runs our law firm; Tennyson manages our construction business, and I run our property division. We also have investments in other industries and a lot of real estate all over the country and overseas.” He runs his hand to my shoulder, giving me a squeeze, and I realize I am gaping at him.

“I guess the point I am trying to make is we have a lot of money and we recently set up The Rothschild Foundation, where we can start giving some of it to people and causes that need financial support,” he says, sighing, looking at Buddy.

“That is amazing.” I am genuine with my words, yet I still have no real idea how it all works or what it must be like to have so much money.

“I think we should invest in the cuddle program and look at doing more for the foster care system. Maybe build a twenty-four seven center so kids don’t have to wait all night in police stations or something like that.” It is clear he has thought about this. He is smart and empathetic and so kind. I smile, feeling like he is talking to me as his equal, like this is a choice we both get to make, even though it is clearly his money. He is asking for my thoughts and input, and I feel even more connected to him. Like I am part of it all. I am beginning to understand that this is what building a life together feels like, and it gives me so much joy already.

“That would be amazing. I mean, there is a lot that needs to be done. A lot of work needs to happen to support children in this country.”

“We can make a start. If we start it, maybe others will get on board and help too. I can’t take away the hard times you had, Pinkie, but I sure as hell don’t want any other kid to experience it. Every child should have a decent start in life, and if we have the means to help make that happen, then I think we should.” I wonder if it is possible to fall more in love with him than I already am.

“Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt,” a female voice says from the door, and we look up.

“Hey. No problem,” I say, smiling to the familiar woman. “Still trying to find Dr. Wilson?” I ask, and I feel Eddie stiffen beside me.

“Yes and no. Apparently, he is in surgery again today, but the nurse at the desk said I could sit down here somewhere for some quiet space. The hospital main foyer gets a little loud and busy sometimes.”

“Sure. I’m Katie, by the way. This is Eddie.” I feel like it is time, as I have seen her so many times now.

“Oh, I’m Lucy,” she says, and I look down, seeing the file in her tote bag.

“I feel like you are almost a local here,” I joke, giving her a smile.

“I feel like it. He is a hard guy to catch,” she says with a sigh, as if exhausted.

“Are you sure there is no other doctor who can help you?”

“No. I don’t think so. Dr. Wilson signed off on some medical forms years ago that I found in my parents’ files, and I just wanted to ask him some questions.”

“Well, feel free to grab any of the armchairs out the back. There is a small lounge there that no one uses, so it is quiet. Plus, they have the heating up a little more in this ward so it is super cozy,” I say to her with a small smile.

“Thanks. I have a book I am in the middle of, and this offers me the perfect chance to finish it,” she says, pushing her glasses up her nose. There is something about her eyes, but behind her Coke-bottle glasses, I can’t really see them clearly.

“Enjoy,” I say softly, patting Buddy as he stirs a little. I watch her retreat and hear her quiet steps as she walks down the hall.

“Know her?” Eddie asks, his hand massaging my shoulders, making my body melt.

“She has been in regularly, trying to see Dr. Wilson. He won’t take her appointments and won't take her calls. It is super weird.”

“I think we both know that Dr. Wilson is a bit of an asshole,” Eddie grits out, and I laugh.

Just as I am about to say something else, Buddy snorts in his sleep. It is small and sounds like a laugh.

“Did he just laugh with us?” Eddie asks, wide-eyed.

“No, I think he is just dreaming or had some wind,” I say, smiling at Eddie getting so excited.

“No, seriously, I think he just laughed with us,” Eddie says again. “He is a smart boy, my buddy.” Leaning down, he kisses me on the top of my head.

We both gaze at this beautiful little boy, Buddy, who apparently now laughs, just like we do.


With my mother now out of surgery and comfortable recovering, I didn’t hesitate to jump in the car and head to the office today. Pinkie has now been back at work for a few days, and with everything that has been going on, I have been absent from the office. I have so much paperwork to get through, Miranda’s stress is at an all-time high. I should feel on edge. Overwhelmed, but I am not. I have a lot on my mind, as there is a lot resting on my shoulders, but I haven’t felt this happy in my life in… forever. All I need to do is think of the pink-haired beauty and everything is alright in the world.