“Eddie… More…” She moans my name, and my balls feel tight and heavy, and I am astounded at my own stamina. I feel so close to the edge, but I need her to come again. I bring my fingers back to her clit, and then repeat the move, over and over, starting a new rhythm.

Her hands reach out, wrapping around my back, pulling me closer, her nails biting into my skin.

“God, Eddie, fuck me… please, fuck me…” she begs, the look on her face ravenous, and I don’t hesitate.

I position myself over her and sink into her in one swift move, causing us both to moan.

“Fuck, you feel good. You feel so fucking good,” I breathe out as I start to move.

“Yes, God, yes…” she says, her nails scratching up my back as her hands delve into the back of my neck, pulling my lips to hers. I kiss her hard, swallowing our moans, as I thrust into her, over and over. She pulls my hair tighter, and I move my hips faster, my orgasm so close I can taste it.

“Eddie? Eddie…?” she pants, saying my name as if in question.

“Come, baby. Come again for me, beautiful,” I grit out, and she does exactly what I tell her, her second orgasm stronger than the first. Rolling through her, her legs wrap around my hips and her fingers scrape into my scalp. I push my forehead against hers as she lets go, her mouth opening on high-pitched moans as they sing out to the room. And I am right there along with her.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck…” I chant as I push in again and explode, my release barreling through me, and I grind into her, wanting to sink deep, to burn myself into her, make a mark, combine our love together right here on the bedroom floor, our love for each other so eager, we didn’t even make it to the bed. I grip her muscles, and I hardly feel her bite on my shoulder as my hands press into her flesh, sticking her to me, keeping her in my arms, wrapping her up until our bodies are almost one.

My body is exhausted as I breathe in deeply, my head on her chest, listening to her heart beating rapidly. Her fingers sink into my hair, combing through it, running her nails across my scalp in a massage as we both catch our breath.

“I think I have carpet burn on my ass,” she says quietly, and I smile.

“Wait until you get it on your knees.” I smirk, already wanting round two.

“I guess at least then I will match.” I huff out a laugh.

She is perfect. Pinkie is perfect.


Isit cuddling the little boy who has been here for weeks already. No longer a tiny scrunched-up newborn, he is starting to grow, has put on weight, and is becoming a little more alert. Aside from him, all the other babies have been discharged. Most of them are now with foster families, and I say an internal prayer for each of them, hoping their experience is better than my own.

“Thought I would find you here,” Eddie says from where he now stands in the doorway. He leans against the frame, hands in his trouser pockets, sexy smirk on his face, looking every inch the billionaire people see him as.

“This is my lunchtime hiding spot,” I say with a smile.

“Buddy has been here for a while,” he says, stepping toward us where we sit on the large armchair.

“Buddy?” I ask, grinning. It is cute that he is giving him a name.

“Yeah, my little buddy.” His fingers trace across the baby's small head delicately, playing with the small tuft of hair. He still has the newborn smell.

“Hmmm. Well, he is taking a little longer to get stabilized, and because he has some ongoing medical issues, he isn’t a baby who many people want to foster,” I explain the sad reality.

“How old he is?” Eddie asks as he sits on the arm of the chair, and I lean back into him a little.

“He was born at thirty-four weeks, and he has been here for a few weeks now. They probably won’t release him until he reaches full term at forty weeks, and even then, it also depends on his health.” Each baby is different, but that is usually how it goes. “He also has special needs. He was without oxygen for a little while after birth. He isn’t hitting his milestones, so they will continue to monitor him and conduct tests.”

“I told him all about you the other day,” Eddie says, and I look up at him and see his smile.

“What do you mean?” I ask, intrigued.

“I was here, having a cuddle. I just needed some space from my mother and her situation, and I told him all about how we met, how stupid I was about my keeping my identity a secret, how amazing my carbonara pasta is. You know, the important bits.” I huff out a laugh.

“Well, you are a natural,” she says, as I hear the soft snores of Buddy as he lies in my arms. Eddieisa natural. The babies I have seen him hold have all slept soundly in his arms as he is caring and nurturing.

“We should invest in this,” Eddie says, his face serious now.

“What do you mean?” I ask, confused.