“Jesus. Even from her hospital bed, Mom is orchestrating your love life,” Tennyson says, rubbing his eyes. It has been bedlam here, the constant women coming through more of a hindrance than a help. There is a knock at the door that interrupts our conversation as we all look at it as it opens.Pinkie.

“Sorry to disturb you, but Dr. Wilson wanted me to let you all know that Mrs. Rothschild is out of surgery. Everything with the additional stent went well, and she is currently in recovery and will be back in her room within the next hour or so. He will come around to see you all shortly,” she says, looking at everyone but me. My hand wraps around the cup. She looks beautiful today. Like every day.

“Thank you, Pinkie,” Harrison says before he gets an elbow to the side. “Ow, what was that for?” His head whips to Beth, who is glaring at him.

“Her name is Katie. Not Pinkie,” Beth corrects him with a quirk of her brow.

“He just told me her name was Pinkie.” Harrison points to me.

“She’s Pinkie to me,” I say with a shrug. Katie looks at me then, and the spark between us is still there. I feel it as bright as day.

“Hi, Pinkie, I’m Emily, so nice to meet you.” Em stands and walks over to where Katie is standing just inside the door.

“Oh, ahh. Hi,” she says, shaking Em’s hand, a light-pink tint coming to her face. My girl is cute when she blushes.

“Hi, I’m Willow. Glad to finally meet you. This one has talked about you nonstop all week,” Willow says, waving her hand at me.

“Nice to meet you too,” Katie says, and I think I see a hint of a smile as she looks back at me. I can’t stop the goofy smile from spreading on my face at seeing them all getting along.

“Please excuse the governor. He and his brothers have a lot on their plate at the moment. I’m Beth,” Beth says diplomatically, stepping forward, giving me a sly look, and I wonder what she is up to.

“Oh, nice to meet you.” Katie now appears to be overwhelmed by the women in my family who are all circling her like sharks.

“Anyway, make sure he grovels,” Beth says in a faux whisper, and my eyebrows shoot to my hairline.

“Yes, make him really pay for that stunt he pulled,” Willow says, and I sit up.Are they ganging up on me?

“I would go so far as to say I would make him massage your feet for a week,” Em says, nodding dramatically.

“Pfft, an entire month!” Willow agrees with way too much excitement.

“Maybe he should cook you dinner every night?” Beth suggests, comically tapping her finger to her chin like she is thinking.

“Alright, enough. I don’t think she needs all the Rothschild women wisdom you want to share,” I say, standing up, trying to give Katie a break from them. Although, the way she is smiling now, I have a feeling she is enjoying the girl time. I know she said she didn’t have any siblings. Blood-related ones, anyway, which is still something I need to uncover, so maybe she is missing this type of interaction.

“Us girls have to stick together,” Beth says, curving her arm into Pinkie.

“Yeah, girl power and all that,” Willow says, taking Pinkie's other arm.

“Someone has to keep all you boys in line,” Em adds as she crosses her arms over her chest. And all four women look at us boys.

“What did we do?” Ben asks, all my brothers now standing.

I look at Pinkie, and her eyes are alight with humor. I think I hear her laugh a little.

“It was nice to meet you all, but I really need to go. I need to sign off on my patients before the next shift starts,” Pinkie says, smiling at the girls. She looks good in my inner circle. Too damn good.

“Well, don’t be a stranger. We will have dinner sometime,” Beth says, smiling warmly.

“Oh yes, a girls’ night!” Willow says, her smile wide.

“Oh, that would be so much fun,” Em joins in as they all step back and give Katie room.

“I’ll see you around?” Katie says, looking at me, and I can’t stop the grin from spreading wider across my face.

“You will,” I say, and I feel instant relief when I see her smile at me before she walks out the door.

After a week of feeling like shit, I finally feel that I may have a breakthrough.