“There you are, as good as new. Just keep it dry for a few days,” I offer, my fingers mindlessly brushing the bandages. “As long as you don’t pull it again, it should heal just fine.”

“Thanks.” He sits up straighter and runs his hand through his hair, staring at me as he starts to get a bit more color to his cheeks.

“So your mother?” My eyebrows rise in question, wanting to learn more about him, but also trying to get my mind off the fact that he is still half-naked and my hands were just all over his body. I’m not usually one for chatting too much. I do enough of it at work, and that exhausts me to the point that I prefer a quieter life at home. But Eddie has me thinking and feeling a whole range of things I ordinarily don’t, and Iwantto talk to him. Be with him. Get to know him.

I sit in the spare chair next to him, keeping us close. His leg leans out a little, and our knees touch, The old me would sit up straighter and create space. Pull my knee away and make myself small. But I don’t. I leave it there, touching his, as he shifts his arm to rest on the back of my chair, opening up to me, my body instantly relaxing back into him.

“Yeah, believe me when I tell you she is not a woman that you ever want to meet,” he says, and I scoff.

“She made you, so she can’t be all bad,” I say, giving him a small smile, and I can feel my cheeks heat at my statement. He looks at me and smiles. His mouth is not the only thing that reacts, as his eyes glisten in glee as well. I feel almost giddy. What is it about this man that has me feeling things I never have before? Shit, I need to pull it together. Who knew all it would take is for a bare chest to be right in front of me to have me start acting like a flirtatious schoolgirl hanging off the most popular guy at school.

“When I have kids, I am going to be a much better parent,” he says, rolling his neck and taking a deep breath.

“How many kids do you want?” I find myself asking.

“A bunch of them. You?” His eyes search mine, and I swallow, not believing I am having this kind of conversation. Our conversation feels normal. Not hurried, not forced. That is why I am probably not running out of the office back to the safety of my apartment. I feel almost content.Dare I say, happy?

“Maybe one day,” I offer with a shrug, not wanting to tell him that having children is something I yearn for. I never had that family life, and I want to create it for myself.

“You’re home late?” he observes, changing the topic.

“You keeping tabs on me?” I tease, looking up at him, pleased to see his eyes now focused and his familiar sexy smirk is back in place.

“I thought your shift finished at seven?” I smile at the fact that he remembered. It is sweet. No one ever cared where I was before. Ever.

“It does. I volunteer,” I tell him. It’s nice that he is showing an interest.

“Volunteer? So, you not only look after sick people during your working hours, patch up dying maintenance men, but you do it in your own time as well?”

“Well, we both know you are not dying, Eddie.” I roll my eyes at his exaggeration, a laugh bubbling in my chest. “I volunteer in the hospital neonatal ward. I am a cuddler,” I say, not able to stop the smile on my face. Seriously, if they had a paid position, I would want it.

“A what?” he questions, clearly intrigued.

“A cuddler. There are babies born addicted to narcotics that need constant handling. So that’s what I do.” My stomach feels like lead as I think about it. I often wonder if I ever had a cuddler. I want to believe that I did.

“Wait. What?” he says, sitting back, looking at me in disbelief. “You’re actually telling me that babies that are born to mothers who have drug dependencies come out addicted, and as part of their treatment, they need cuddles?” The look of shock on his face would be humorous if we were discussing any other topic.

“Yes. It takes weeks and months for the babies to get it out of their system. Cold turkey is hard for adults, but excruciating for babies. There is an army of volunteers like me who take a few hours each week to sit with them and cuddle them. Keep them safe and calm where possible.” It isn’t something that people really think about or concern themselves with. Usually, the cuddling program is so underfunded that it simply flies under the radar.

“Wow. I had no idea.” The look on his face is one of awe. “So, with week one down, how do you like Baltimore?” he asks me, and I take a moment to think about it. He sits near me, still half-naked, our arms brushing against each other. It feels nice. I wonder what it would be like to lay my head on his shoulder and lean into him.

“I haven’t seen much of it, but so far, I like it.” I don't miss the glee in his eyes.

“Is cardiology somewhere you want to be long term? Along with the cuddling, I mean?” he asks, smiling.

“I think so. What’s not to love about the heart?” I joke, and he smiles, his eyes dancing in delight. “What about you?”

“Me what?”

“Have you always worked in building maintenance?” I ask, looking up at him with interest.

“Yeah. After college, I went backpacking for a little bit and then kind of fell into it. I bet you have some good stories from what you have seen in hospitals,” he offers, changing the conversation quickly back to me.

“Oh, there are plenty. One time, a patient got really angry, and he threw a bedpan at me. But he didn’t realize it was full and the whole contents sloshed all over him instead.” I roll my lips, laughing.

“That is disgusting,” he says, mock horror on his face.

“It really was, especially since I had to clean it up and bathe him too.” I wipe the tear that falls from my eye, laughing at the memory.