“You have been so quiet lately, that’s all. Who is she?” He continues to push me for information.

“No one you know,” I offer, grabbing a golf glove from my bag, ready to take my putt.

“Bullshit, we know everyone,” Harrison says, and he does.Heknows everyone. It is so annoying.

“You don’t know Pinkie,” I say, not able to stop the shit-eating grin on my face.

“Pinkie?” they all say in unison, looking at me in shock.

“Yeah, she has pink hair,” I say, shrugging and acting nonchalant. Even though I am itching to be with her.

“Pink hair?” Ben clarifies.

“And tattoos,” I say, grinning. I fucking love her artwork, and I can’t wait to delve into them more.

“Mom is going to fucking flip!” Tennyson says, laughing.

“Speaking of Mom…” Harrison says, and we all stall and look at him.

“What now?’ Tennyson moans, running his hand down his face.

I look at Harrison, trying to determine the look on his face. It isn’t good.

“I can confirm what we all thought,” Harrison says, looking at us all.

“She had an affair?” Ben asks, and I look at Harrison, waiting for his response. It isn’t exactly news. We always thought something was going on.

“With the doctor, right?” Tennyson asks, and Harrison nods. I shouldn’t be shocked. We have spoken about this before, and this cements it.

“How did you figure it out?” I ask, wondering what proof he has. Not that we really need any, since the dots already connected for us all over the past few months as we started to piece things together.

“Had some people follow him. Looked at what they have been up to,” Harrison says before he swallows.

“Wait. They are still together? What the fuck?” I ask in shock.

“Looks that way. They are keeping it extremely private, obviously not wanting anyone to know. We won’t know for sure until we confront her, but from everything I have found, it seems like they got together years ago and have been friendly on and off ever since,” he confirms. We all stand quiet. We knew. Deep down, we all knew. It doesn’t make the sting any less, though.

“Well. Fuck that. I don’t want to think about that today. Eddie, tell me more about this girl,” Tennyson says, quickly changing the subject, and I take a deep breath.

“Who is she?” Harrison adds, his suspicion now rising.

“She just moved here. Lives at Harborside. She thinks I am the maintenance man.” I come clean with it all. If anyone can help me get out of this web of lies I have told, it will be them.

“What the fuck?” Ben asks, looking at me like I am crazy.

“I fixed her leaking sink; she patched me up after an accident, then I saw her in the swimming pool the other night, and…” I take a big breath, knowing the rest is self-explanatory.

“Fuck, you really like her?” Tennyson says. He is observant like that.

“It's early days,” I say, not denying it. Because I do. I fucking like her a lot. I pretty much demanded that we go exclusive this morning, which is so not me, but I couldn’t cope if she said no and had needed to know we were on the same page. I don’t want to fumble along with her with anything casual. I want to dive right in and never come back up.

“What are you doing tonight? Come over. Tell me all about her,” Tennyson teases.

“Can’t,” I say sharply.

“Why not?” He is quick.

“I’m making her dinner,” I say, and the three of them look at me, their mouths agape. I sigh and just come out with it.