“Eddie…” My teeth grind together as my legs start to shake. I have no idea how he does it. Every time he touches me, it is electric, like nothing I have ever experienced before.

“That’s my girl. I’ve got you.” I look up at him, and he seals my moans with a kiss. His tongue delves into my mouth as my orgasm ricochets through me. My legs shake, and he growls his praise in my mouth.

When he pulls back and looks at me, my eyes are half-lidded as I give him a grin. “Good morning,” I say again, my smile now wide.

“A great fucking morning,” he says, smiling as his hands spread wide and run up my torso.

“You are a morning person, aren’t you? Up early, making coffee, making girls moan your name," I say jokingly as I spin in his arms.

“Not girls. You,” he corrects me. “Just you.”

“Just me?” I ask, swallowing roughly.

“Exclusive. Me and you. I am not interested in sleeping around with multiple women. Never have been. If that is what you want, then we are not on the same page, and this is not something I can continue.” My heart stutters in my chest. I like his honesty, and I can see in his eyes, he means every word.

“I don't want that… I mean, I don’t do that either…” I stutter, this conversation going from lighthearted to reasonably serious in a breath. I feel like I must be on one of those candid camera shows and any minute a TV host is going to jump out and saygotcha!He’s too perfect.

“Good,” he says thoughtfully as his eyes look over my arms at the scattering of small tattoos.

“Is there anything wrong with you?” I ask, my eyes thinning.

“What do you mean?” he asks, confused.

“Do you snore? Burp at the dinner table? Do you steal, cheat, lie?” I am joking, but I see it in his eyes that there is something. Something he is not telling me. Call it a woman’s intuition. Call it my history telling me nothing is ever perfect. But I saw his eyes just now as they lost a little shine.

“I don’t think I snore. I mean, you would have heard it last night if I did?” he says, not really answering the question as his hands caress up and down my arms. “Tell me about your tattoos?” He has done that a few times, switching the subject, as have I. Maybe we are both hiding our pasts.

“What do you want to know?” I ask as I let the water run down my hair, and I see him grab the shampoo.

“When did you start getting tattoos?” His fingers dig into my scalp, and my eyes close as I relax into him again. It feels amazing.

“Hmm, I got my first one when I was fourteen, I think…” I say, and I feel his hands stop.

“Fourteen?” he asks.

“Yep, this one.” I don’t even open my eyes to point to the small outline of a heart tattooed on the inside of my wrist.

“Does it signify anything?” His hands get back to work on my scalp.

“That I was too young to get a tattoo,” I murmur with a light laugh. “There is no meaning behind that one. Just pure rebellion.”

“Which one does have meaning?” he asks, rinsing out my hair, the water mixed with his hands making me feel like I am at a day spa, not in my morning shower on a normal weekday.

I think for a moment before I point to a small script on the inside of my forearm. “This one reminds me to be strong,” I say as I look down at the wordsStill I Rise.

“I don’t think you need a tattoo for that. You are one of the strongest, borderline stubborn, women I have ever met.” My eyes flick up to see his sexy smirk on full display as he looks down at me.

“Are you teasing me?” I quirk a brow.

“Maybe, but right now, we need to get you out of this shower and changed; otherwise, you will be late for work,” he says, slapping me on the bottom and turning off the shower. It isn’t until he steps out of the shower and wraps a towel around me that I realize I didn’t return the favor. He is still hard, and I pause for a moment as he wraps a towel around himself.

He made me come but didn’t ask for anything in return. My eyes flick around the room, because surely that TV host will jump out at any minute, or maybe pigs with wings will fly past the window. This is all too good to be true. There is no doubt I must be dreaming.

* * *

As the carmoves through the morning traffic, I sip on the fresh coffee Eddie made for me as I got ready for work. He left with me, his car parked in the basement of the building, telling me he had to go to another building he manages to sort out a few things.

“Tony, do you know Eddie from the building very well?” I ask my driver, who seems like a trustworthy man. His eyes flick to mine in his mirror.