Page 90 of Break My Fall

“Is everything okay, dear?” Sam asked.

“No…I don’t know. I hope so,” I rambled. “I…I need to talk to the guys. Can you…” I nodded to Willow as my throat tightened too much to talk.

“Of course. Go. I’ll take good care of her,” he assured me as he placed a soothing hand on my forearm.

“Thank you,” I squeaked, then I was racing back to the stairs. I only knew exactly which room were Cam’s and Kai’s. I hadn’t been in Hunter or Nico’s and there were so many doors to choose from. I got to Camn’s first and burst in without even knocking, panicked and desperate for them to tell me I was overreacting.

Cam leapt up from where he still lay in his bed, looking to me with alarm and some aggression. I instantly felt bad for bursting in as I had.

“Cam?” I squeaked as I stepped in a little.

“Maddie? What’s wrong? What’s going on?” he asked as he rubbed at his tired face.

“I’m sorry. It’s just…your room… it was closest and I…I’m freaking out. I didn’t know…” I stopped talking as a sob slipped from me. I slammed my hand over my mouth to stop any more from escaping. Cam leapt from the bed, dressed only in a short pair of blue shorts. He hurried over to me and engulfed me in his arms.

“Talk to me, Mads. What’s wrong?” he asked.

“The baby…it hasn’t moved since yesterday. I wasn’t worried because he or she doesn’t always…but then last night, there was nothing and they always move at night. Something’s wrong…I think something’s wrong,” I babbled.

“Okay. It’s going to be okay,” he assured me as he pulled back from the hug and wrapped one arm around me, leading me over to sit on the edge of his bed. “I’m texting the others. We’ll get dressed and we’ll go to the hospital, okay?”

“What if I’m freaking out over nothing?”

“Better safe than sorry, right? If everything’s okay then great, but we should check, right?”

“I guess,” I agreed as I swiped at the tears running down my face.

“I’ll be two minutes, okay? Stay there.” I heard Cam in the bathroom, brushing his teeth, then he was back, fully dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, with his sneakers on too. Dozy, who had been asleep in his bed in the corner of the room, stood and stretched, then sat patiently at Cam’s feet, waiting to see what was happening.

When there was a knock at the door, Cam hurried over to open it, Dozy taking the opportunity to shoot out of the room, likely to go in search of Sam for his breakfast.

“Hey man, you ready?” I heard Nico ask.

“We ready, Mads?” Cam asked. He walked back over to me, Nico right on his heels. I looked up and realized Kai and Hunter were right behind him, all of them clearly dressed in a hurry. Nico and Hunter didn’t have any product in their hair and they looked so different.

“I’m scared,” I admitted to all of them. “I c-can’t lose this baby. We’ve come so far. I can’t lose them now.” My words were squeaky, my voice tight with emotion.

“It’s going to be okay, sunshine. I’m sure the baby just decided to have a rest or something,” Kai tried to assure me.

“Let’s just get you checked out, okay?” Hunter added.

“We’re all coming with you. You won’t be alone, sweetheart.” Nico appeared before me, taking my hand in his and pulling me to my feet.

“Willow. She’s downstairs,” I worried.

“I already called Garth and told him what’s going on. He and Sam are going to keep her busy,” Hunter told me, and I nodded. I knew she’d be okay with Sam and Garth.

The short drive to the hospital was tense. I was in the back with Cam and Nico, securely wedged between them, each of them holding one of my hands comfortingly. Hunter felt it was worth the slightly longer drive to take me to the hospital where my doctor – Doctor Andrews – was based. They seemed to trust her, since she had come highly recommended to Hunter, and I had to agree that seeing her would reassure me somewhat.

Hunter had called ahead, so as we pulled up there was a nurse waiting with a wheelchair for me. Kai, Cam, and Nico came with me as I was pushed inside, while Hunter had to go and park the car.

“Hi Maddie,” Doctor Andrews, who seemed to be waiting for us when we entered, greeted.

“Hi,” I returned nervously. “I’m sorry about this.”

“None of that. You did the right thing coming in. Let’s get you on a monitor and see what that little one is up to, okay?” she suggested as she directed the nurse pushing me towards a side room.

Doctor Andrews wanted me to lie on the bed in the bright, sunny room, so Nico grabbed my hands, helping me up. I pulled off my cardigan, even though I felt chilled, Cam taking it from me..