Page 68 of Break My Fall

“Did mommy gets more owies?” she sniffled as she stopped crying and looked up at me just slightly from my shoulder.

“No Willow. Mommy’s okay. She’s just really, really tired. She just needs to sleep. It’s really late.”

“Nico’s right. It’s like the middle of the night right now, sweetie. We should all be fast asleep,” Kai agreed as he appeared at my side and tamed some wild hair behind her ear so she could see him.

“I had a bad dream…’bout daddy. He hurted mommy,” Willow told us.

“It was just a bad dream, princess. Daddy won’t ever hurt you or mommy again,” I assured her as rage simmered within me. I should have killed Edward fucking Foster when I had the chance!

“My tummy hurts!” she wailed as the sobs started again and she curled back up against me.

“Does she have a fever?” Sam asked. “I didn’t notice when I was holding her, but I never considered she could be sick.”

I pressed my cheek against the top of her head and looked to Kai with panic.

“She is warmer than normal. Do you have a thermometer?” I asked.

“Do we?” Kai asked as he looked to Sam with the same level of panic I was feeling. If Willow was sick we were all screwed because I was pretty sure that not one of us knew what the fuck we were doing, except Maddie and she had been through enough for one day.

“I’ll go and look,” Sam said as he hurried off.

“Willow, can you show me where your tummy hurts?” I coaxed as I looked down at her. Worse case scenarios ran through my head. Was it her appendix? Did she have food poisoning? What if it was something even worse than that?

“Everywhere!” Willow wailed again, breaking my damned heart.

“It could just be because she’s been crying so hard,” Kai suggested.

“She wouldn’t have a temperature if it was just from the upset though, would she?” I asked, completely unsure.

“Maybe we should call a doctor?” Kai looked to me with question.

“We don’t have a thermometer in the first aid kit,” Sam announced as he walked back in.

I was contemplating calling Livy, Lincoln’s sister in law and the mom of the only other kids I knew when Willow sat up and looked at me. Her bottom lip was trembling and she looked pitiful, her face red and blotchy from the tears.

“Nic Nic,” she whimpered. “I don’ts feel so good.” Before either of us could utter another sound she opened her mouth and vomited all over herself and me.

I tried to move her back, so that the vomit would land on the ground between us, but I was too slow, and Willow refused to release her terrified grip around my neck.

“Oh Fuck!” Kai gasped as Sam launched across the room to grab a trash can. By the time he was at my side with it, Maddie was done and crying hysterically again, the both of us covered with the disgusting smelling results of her upset stomach.

I looked to Kai, who was looking to Sam, not one of us knowing what the fuck to do now.

“It’s okay, Willow. You’re okay,” I soothed her as I tried to rub her back without touching any of the mess between us.

“Bathroom. First thing is to get you both cleaned up,” Sam suggested and I was on board with that plan.

“We’re going to get cleaned up, okay princess, then we’ll find a way to make your tummy all better,” I promised as I followed Sam and Kai through the house to a full bathroom just off of the kitchen.

“Mr. Roar gots all dirty,” Willow sobbed as she pulled the vomit covered lion out from between us, flicking some wetness in my face in the process.

I tried not to gag, but I was struggling. I had seen a lot of shit in my life, been in some fucking disgusting places and dealt with many things, but I had never been covered in child’s puke while trying to soothe said hysterical child before. It was a new challenge for sure.

“I think we might have to give him a spa day, Willow. He needs a good wash and some pampering. Can you let me do that while you and Nico get cleaned up too?” Sam asked gently.

She nodded and handed the lion over to Sam, who grabbed it cautiously by a dry ear.

Kai was in the bathroom as we walked in. He already had the shower running and the tub was filling up too. He looked to me and we both shrugged at each other.