Page 52 of Break My Fall

I uttered a ‘goodnight’ I wasn’t even sure he heard, then scurried into my room, closing the door swiftly behind me. I made it to my bed before collapsing down on it with a sigh. I had a feeling it was going to be a long, sleepless night.



The door of my apartment burst open loudly just as I was zipping up my duffel bag.

Mia and the guys had arrived home the day before. Parker had called to let me know they were back and that my team would be back in the office on Monday.

My relief had been great at hearing that. It meant that I could leave my sister and the guys to run Milite, and get to New York to see Maddie and Willow. Even though I had spoken with Maddie every day since she left, I needed to get eyes on her. My worries for her were out of my control and nothing but holding her in my arms would ease them.

“Nico?” Mia called through my apartment. I knew it was her, since she told me she would come over so we could see each other before I left for the airport.

“In here,” I replied as I moved to the closet to grab a sweater. I was just pulling it on as my sister appeared in the doorway. She had caught the sun in Miami, her skin now slightly sun tanned. She smiled brightly as she walked towards me and threw her arms around my waist.

I was always so happy to see her looking so content. When I met her, a few years before, she had only just escaped the nightmare of an abusive home which she had been trapped in pretty much since she was born. Since then she had been through hell and we had shared some very tough times, but she’d come through it all and she seemed genuinely happy with my three teammates and with the life she had built for herself. I was so very proud of her.

“I missed you,” she told me as she squeezed me tightly.

“Missed you too. How was Miami?” I asked as I gave her a hug in return.

“Awesome. I loved the beach,” she told me excitedly. “And the food was out of this world. I ate way too much,” she laughed.

“It will do you good.”

“You sound like Linc,” she sighed with a roll of her eyes as she moved over to sit on my bed beside my packed bag. “So, you gonna tell me where you’re rushing off to?” she asked as she toyed with the zipper of my bag. I hadn’t told any of them about Maddie the night before when they called. They had been tired and I didn’t want to upset Mia.

“New York,” I replied.

“What’s in New York?”

“Maddie and Willow,” I answered.

“What?” Mia gasped as she shot to her feet. “Why are they there? Are they okay?” I knew Mia would panic. In the time Maddie had worked for Milite, the two of them had become pretty close. I knew Mia wanted to get to know Maddie even more, but Maddie kept a distance from everyone, likely to keep anyone from seeing the truth of her homelife.

“They’re okay, sweetheart,” I assured her. “They’re both safe. They’re staying with some friends of Maddie’s – guys I know from when I served.”

“What happened? It was her husband, wasn’t it?” Mia asked, her eyes now glassy.

“Yeah. She called me late last Friday night. Her husband had attacked her, and then he hurt Willow too,” I explained.

“Oh God! Not Willow!” Mia gasped. She slammed a hand over her mouth as tears ran down her cheeks. “Is she okay? Are they both okay?”

“Yes. They spent a night in the hospital. Willow had a fractured arm, but we got her fixed up. Maddie was banged up pretty badly too, but the baby was okay and the doctors weren’t worried.”

“You should have called me, Nico. I’d have come back. She’s my friend,” Mia sniffled.

“I know, sweetheart, but we had it covered.”

“We?” she questioned.

“Hunter. He and Maddie knew each other when they were kids. He was in town on business and we bumped into one another at that stupid fundraiser on Friday. Once I got Maddie and Willow to the hospital, I called him. I knew he could get them out of the city and away from Maddie’s asshole husband.”

“And you’re sure she’s okay with him?” Mia asked. “We could have protected them both here, couldn’t we?”

“Yes, but it was better to get them out of the city for a while. They’re okay, Mia. I’ve spoken with Maddie every day since she left. Willow loves it where they’re staying. I know the guys they’re staying with. They’re good men,” I assured her.

“Then why are you in such a rush to get to them? Is the husband coming after them?”