Page 45 of Break My Fall

“Enough!” he barked as he glanced behind him to his son. “I’ll make sure he stays away from them. You have my word.”

“I better,” I ground out. “I may run a legitimate business, but make no mistake, I’m not a man you want to fuck with, Frank.”

With those words I turned and left the room. Tyler was waiting for me outside, stood on the corner so he could see who was coming from all directions, just as we’d taught him.

“Everything good?” he asked as I approached him.

“Yeah. Let’s get the fuck out of here,” I replied as I nodded towards the exit.

“Did it work?” he asked as he fell into step beside me.

“I guess we’ll find out,” I shrugged.

“And if it didn’t? What if they come after Maddie, or after you?”

“Then they’ll be very fucking sorry.” I’d do whatever it took to get those assholes out of Maddie’s life, and if that meant dusting off my sniper skills from the military, then so be it. Killing people was no longer my business, but for those two I’d make an exception if it came to it. The benefit of the skills I had, meant that I would never be caught for the crime and if it was what was necessary to protect Maddie, Willow, and the baby, then I’d do it without a backwards glance.

As Ty and I climbed into our waiting car, it hit me just how very much Maddie and Willow meant to me. I was falling for Maddie. It had probably been happening since the first day I met her at the interview for her job. She was beautiful, and sexy, but more than that she was so damned strong. She cared about people and she was kind. The love that filled her eyes when she spoke about Willow, or the baby she carried, was endless and so incredible to witness. She was everything I never knew I wanted in a woman, and so very much more.Fuck, I was falling for her.Who was I kidding? I had already fallen for her, and her adorable genius daughter. I wanted them in a way I had never wanted anyone else in my entire life. She filled my thoughts every moment of every day and being without her, since she left, physically hurt. I was screwed.

How could it ever work? Maddie had just escaped the husband from hell. It seemed unlikely she’d want to step right into another relationship. And even if she did, she had her kids to consider. I was ten years older than her. Was that too much of a gap? Was she even attracted to me or was I too old? I was starting to turn gray for fucks sake! Why would she want an old man like me?

And even if she did, my whole life was in Chicago and I doubted she would want to return there after all she had been through. Could I leave Chicago to be with her? Could I leave my business and my family? My sister? Where would we even live? What would I do to support her and the kids?

“Fuck,” I sighed as I realized just how far ahead of myself I was getting. I was losing my damned mind.

“What’s wrong?” Tyler asked from where he sat across the seat.

“Just worried about Maddie,” I sighed. It wasn’t a lie. I had done nothing but worry about her since she and Willow stepped on that damned plane.

“You should go to her. See how she’s doing,” Ty suggested.

“I will, as soon as the others get back to run the office,” I sighed as I rubbed a hand down my exhausted face. I needed to sleep, but that hadn’t been coming easily lately.

“She’d be lucky to have you, Nic. You know that right? As much as I fuck with you, you really are a catch,” Ty told me with a gentle smile.

“Fuck off,” I scoffed lightheartedly.

“I mean it, man. You’re a good man. You’re kind and so fucking loyal. You protect the people you care about and make them feel safe,” he told me. “And you’re hot as fuck too,” he added with a grin.

“I’m too old for her,” I argued, voicing just one of my insecurities.

“That’s bullshit and you know it. Don’t fuck this up for yourself, brother. Anyone can see you’re crazy about her. If you want her, don’t let her go,” he told me plainly.

“Even if that were true, the timing’s all messed up. She isn’t going to want to start something now,” I argued.

“Maybe. Maybe not, but either way, let her know how you feel. Tell her there’s no hurry, but if she’s ready one day, you’ll be waiting. Put yourself out there, Nico, and I think you might just be pleasantly surprised.”

“Maybe,” I shrugged and kept my face blank. Putting myself out there sounded terrifying, but what if he was right? What if it could get me everything I wanted one day in the future?



It was the fifth night at the guys house and it seemed all of my exhaustion from everything that had happened had worn off and I lay in the middle of the bed, wide awake, too scared to sleep and not exhausted enough to just drop off naturally.

My nightmares seemed to have gotten worse since I escaped Edward’s clutches and every time I closed my eyes he was there, waiting for me, or worse, Clive – the monster from my childhood - would appear to make cameo appearances.

It had become easier to just not sleep more than I absolutely had to. I turned onto my side and glanced at the tablet that stood on the nightstand, checking Willow still looked peaceful and settled.