Page 84 of Break My Fall

Choked up by his words, I knew I wasn’t going to be able to speak, so instead I reached up onto my tip toes, placing my hands on his chest to steady myself as I tried to kiss him. He had to bend down to meet me halfway, then his lips were on mine and it was exactly as I had imagined. Nico kissed me hard and instantly took complete control, pulling me closer and placing his hand on my face so he could angle my lips just the way he wanted. His lips were firm, and his stubble rubbed at my face in a way I strangely found a turn on. His tongue plundered my mouth and I just clung on tight and went with it.

“Fuck,” he gasped when we pulled apart. “I’ve wanted to do that for so long.”

“Was it everything you hoped?” I asked playfully.

“And so much more.” He wrapped his arms around me again and pulled me into a hug. I lay my head on his chest and sighed contentedly.

“I’m sorry that I keep freaking out. I just…I guess I’m not used to good things happening to me. Willow is the only thing that has ever gone right in my life.”

“Not any more, sweetheart. That’s going to change now. We’re all going to make sure that good things happen from now on,” he told me.

“They already are.”


Nico and Cam spoke with the realtor before we left, telling her they would take the building. Nico was excited about his new venture, but the thing that put a huge smile on my face was Cam. He was so enthusiastic about working with Nico on the new branch of Milite. He had been honest with Nico, and told him that he wasn’t keen to deal with clients to begin with. He hoped that would change in time, but as they started out, they had agreed Cam would have more of a background role within the office.

Nico got what Cam was dealing with. He had served himself and he had dealt with PTSD and anxiety before, so that helped a lot.

I was just so relieved to see Cam trying so hard to take back his life, or to find a new one for himself any way. I knew he had a long road to travel, but at least he was headed in the right way. He had certainly been smiling a lot more and that was a great start.

The drive back to the house was filled with them chatting excitedly about what they would need to do to get the office up and running. They had a lot to do, but they seemed to both relish the challenge ahead of them.

It was late afternoon by the time we got back to the house and I was feeling pretty worn out. Kai and I had been up late the night before, then I’d woken early and slipped from Kai’s room while he was still sleeping, scared Sam would bring Willow back and she’d find me in Kai’s bed.

I kicked off my shoes, relieved to get my slightly swollen feet out of them, then headed into the kitchen. I found Sam, Kai, and Willow playing a game with some bright picture cards that I hadn’t seen before. Whatever they were playing, Willow was taking it very seriously, staring at the fan of cards she held precariously with her tongue sticking out in concentration.

“You gotta put a card down, sweetie,” Kai chuckled.

“Sshh. I gots to concentrate,” she scolded him without taking her eyes from her cards.

“What are we playing, peanut?” I asked with a smile. I walked up behind her and placed a kiss on the top of her head. I glanced at the cards and realised they had animals on them.Of course they did!

“Mommy!” she smiled as she looked up at me. “Kai gots me a new game, It’s gots animals on the cards.” She held them up to show me.

“That looks great. Who’s winning?”

“The little card shark here,” Sam chuckled as he nodded to Willow.

“Sam’s not so good at this game,” Willow told me with a shake of her head and roll of her eyes, making me laugh out loud.

“Hey! No more cookies for you,” Sam cried.

“It’s okay, Sam. You makes the bestest pasta,” Willow consoled him.

“Hey sunshine,” Kai and I shared a smile, and thoughts of what we had shared the night before played in my head. “How’d it go?”

“Good. They signed a lease on a place close to here,” I explained. “We may not see either of them for the rest of the day. They’re pretty excited.”

“I’m just pleased to see Cam getting excited about something,” Kai shrugged.

“I know. Me too. I think working with Nico is going to be good for him.”

Willow aggressively slammed a card down on the pile in the middle of the table, then grinned wide.

“Your turn Kai, but you aren’t gonna win now,” she told him with delight.

“We’ll just see about that,” Kai teased.