Page 79 of Break My Fall

“We’re really going to do this, aren’t we?” I asked. I was pretty sure I was in shock as I looked between the four of them. They wanted me! These four, hot, handsome, sexy guys who were nothing but good, kind, and loyal wanted me! It was crazy.

“We’re all in, baby. Just waiting on your answer,” Hunter reminded me playfully.

I swallowed and took a deep breath as I tried to make my head think straight. I knew there were hundreds more points I should argue with them. So many more reasons I shouldn’t just jump on this crazy train with them, but ultimately it all boiled down to one thing. I was in love with all four of them and there was not a cell in my body that didn’t want them.

“I’m in,” I agreed easily. “I want to take things slow though. Willow has been through so much and I don’t want to add to it. Can we just allow her to get used to having all of you around for now? No PDA in front of her, or anything like that, for now at least?”

“Whatever you want, Maddie,” Hunter agreed as the others nodded. “Where Willow is concerned we’ll take your lead completely.”

“It’s not that I don’t want you guys to be a part of her life. I do. She loves you all and I know you’ll be amazing father figures for her, but I just…I don’t want to rush this. So much has already changed in her life,” I tried to explain.

“We get it, sunshine. We love her too and we definitely want to be a part of her life, but on your terms. We’re not in a rush here. We’re not going anywhere,” Kai told me.

“Thank you.” I smiled and let out the breath I had been holding, relieved they understood and weren’t offended. “What now?” I asked as I looked around the table.

“Now we eat,” Hunter laughed. “I’m starving and the casserole should be about ready.”

They insisted I stay seated while they all got the food ready, so within moments I was alone at the huge dining table. I realized I was smiling to myself like a loon. I was happy. The idea of a relationship with the four of them was exciting, and a huge part of me that had been panicking internally for days had been calmed now that I knew I didn’t need to choose. I knew it wouldn’t all be sunshine and roses. A relationship between five of us would be messy and very complicated, but I loved them. Even Nico, though my feelings for him were newer, they were still strong and I knew it was love between us, albeit new. I loved them and they loved me. They were amazing with my daughter and they wanted to take care of us. Protect us. It was a start, and I hoped the foundation of us building something strong in the future.



“I’m gonna call it a night,” Nico yawned as he stood from the armchair he had been settled in for the last couple of hours. After we ate the amazing meal Sam had prepared for us, we’d all changed into more comfortable clothes and headed to the living room for dessert and a movie.

I had happily snuggled on the sofa between Hunt and Kai while Nico and Cam took the armchairs. We had devoured the huge devil’s food cake Sam had left for us as we watched an action movie together, then I had settled against Kai, his arms wrapped around me, as I rested my feet in Hunter’s lap. I had been more comfortable and settled than I ever remembered being and it had been perfect.

Cam, who had been exhausted after the emotional rollercoaster he had been on that day, had gone up to bed over an hour ago, and Hunter had gone not long after, telling us he needed to be up early for a meeting in the office the next morning. Both had come over to kiss me before they retired for the night. They kept the kisses chaste, but they both kissed me on the lips and it had given me a thrill that I craved more of each time. Now I was desperate to get them alone so I could feel what it was like when they really kissed me.

“I’m going to look at a few potential properties for the new office tomorrow. Cam is going to come with me, and I wondered if you would too, Maddie? Give me your opinion on them?” Nico asked as he sat forward on his chair and looked to me.

“Sure, but I don’t know how helpful my input will be,” I laughed.

“You’ve worked at Milite. You know exactly what we need,” Nico told me.

“If you think so,” I agreed. “I’d like to come, anyway. It’s exciting opening a new office. Are you going to hire me?” I asked hopefully.

“It will be a while before we’re up and running, but if you want your job back, whenever you’re ready, of course you can have it. I like a little eye candy around the place,” he teased with a smile.

“Me too,” I teased right back, with a wink, making him laugh. “Seriously though, I love my job at Milite. I definitely want to get involved after the baby’s born. I’ll need to look into childcare though. Willow will probably have started in preschool by then, but this one will need to go somewhere while I’m working,” I said, rubbing my stomach as I spoke.

“We can make it work between us. Hunt and I both don’t need to be at the office all of the time. One of us can be here with the baby if you want to go back to work,” Kai told me, and the soft smile on his face looked excited at the prospect of him having time with the baby.

“Cam and I will help too. Like Kai says, we can make it work,” Nico agreed.

“Sam will definitely want to be involved with the babysitting too, don’t forget,” Kai added. I knew that was true. Sam was so excited about the arrival of my baby. His sister had three kids who were all in their teens now, and he had told me how much he missed them being little. He was excited to have a baby in the house.

“We have plenty of time for planning, I guess,” I shrugged, but it was so reassuring to have them offer to help me with the baby. When I had Willow I had been completely on my own and it had been scary at times. Edward hadn’t been interested in his daughter at all, and it had been overwhelming to say the least, to have a new born baby to deal with completely alone. I was more experienced this time, but it would be nice to not have to do it all alone.

“We need to leave at ten in the morning. Is that good with you? You can bring Willow along, though she might get bored,” Nico offered.

“Willow can stay with me. I promised a trip to the park anyway,” Kai said.

“Are you sure?” I bit my lip as I looked to Kai. I was starting to feel bad about how much time these guys were spending taking care of my child.

“Positive. I love spending time with her, Maddie. We all do. Stop worrying so much,” Kai scolded as he pulled my lip free of my teeth. He leaned in to place a peck on my head, pulling me from my worry and making me smile.

“Okay. I’ll be ready for ten,” I agreed, turning back to Nico.