Page 33 of The Best Bad Boy

We rode in silence back to the hotel. When we got there, Warwick and Kevin stepped outside to discuss what to do next. I felt a wave of resentment wash over me. I knew we weren’t together, but I was with his child and still left in the dark about the next plans.

Warwick came back alone and sat beside me. “Come here,” he said, his voice low and sexy. He extended his arms for me. I snuggled into him, my resentment forgotten for the moment. My insides danced with excitement at being in his arms again. I felt safe here—like nothing could harm me. Warwick stroked my back tenderly.

“We have to move again. I can’t bring you back to the beach house. It might not be safe after leaving like you did—"

“I’m sorry. I really am,” I said and burst into tears.

“It’s okay,” Warwick said. I cut him off again.

“I keep screwing up, and I am so sorry. I guess I don’t handle emergencies as well as I thought,” I sobbed. “I feel like such an idiot. What the hell was I even thinking?”

“I don’t know, honestly,” said Warwick, “but it’s irrelevant. We’re here now. So as I was saying, we should go to my other place. I have a house not far from here that no one knows about except Kevin. Not even Maria. That means we’ll have to cook and clean, though. Can you handle that?”

“Yes, of course,” I grinned. My eyes were still damp from my outburst, but I felt slightly better.

“Let’s head out now, then,” Warwick said. He was all business again.

“What about the food?” I asked and gestured to my groceries.

“We’ll bring those and stop at a little diner I know along the way,” Warwick said. I nodded and stood.

“Oh, and Sarah?” Warwick added.


“No matter what happens, I’ll be there for you and the baby. I promise.”

I nodded and bit my lip to force myself not to cry again.

Kevin was waiting outside for us when we emerged. He took the motorcycle, and Warwick drove me in the car. We stopped at a place called Flo’s Diner, and for the first time in a long time, I was starving.

“You must be hungry,” laughed Warwick after I ordered a full breakfast with eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, and toast. I added a side bowl of chili and a piece of banana cream pie for dessert. Warwick ordered a coffee and a grilled cheese sandwich.

“I am!” I exclaimed. When the food arrived, I scarfed back everything except for a few bites of the pie. Warwick ate those and grinned.

“Homemade and delicious as always.” He wiped his mouth in appreciation. “We should get going.”

Warwick paid the bill. I glanced at it as he handed it to our server. He was a generous tipper. The bill came to just over twenty-five dollars, and he added another thirty for the staff. I smiled in appreciation. I knew he wasn’t mine, but it made me proud to be out with him anyway.

By the time we arrived at the other chalet Warwick owned, my bad mood was back in full force. What was I doing here with him? How was I going to spend the rest of my life attached to him with a child but never able to love him the way I wanted to? I pushed the thoughts out of my mind and forced myself to smile as Warwick showed me around our new abode.

“I bought this place as a secret weekend getaway when I was younger. It was the first property I bought, and my dream at the time had been to have it as a place where me and my future wife could come and hide and escape life for a bit. Now, I just use it as a place to escape from everyone. Except you,” he said and grinned.

“Future wife?” I asked. A stab of jealousy surrounded me as I tried to sound mildly curious.

“Yeah,” said Warwick ruefully. “Back when I believed that could work out for me. I was seeing a girl then. The first one that wasn’t attached to our lifestyle in some way, and I had high hopes for us. It didn’t work out, though. I was crushed at the time, but it was all for the best. I know that now. With age comes wisdom.”

I cringed inwardly. Was the age comment a dig at how young I was? “Why didn’t it work out?” I asked and forced my feelings deep into the pit of my being. This pregnancy was already making me hormonal and filled with mood swings.

“She left me. Turns out she wanted a bad boy after all. She ended up marrying someone connected to organized crime but at a way lesser level than you or I. I was devastated at the time, but if that’s what she wanted, I would have never been enough. And what would have happened when she found out I’d walked away from that life? She’d have probably left me for Alex or Pauly or something,” Warwick said and laughed.

I giggled, also. “Ew! So deceitful and poor taste. She sounds charming.”

Warwick was silent for a few minutes. “I do wish you and I had met at a different time. Or something. You’re everything I would want in a partner. Except for the attachment to crime.”

“I don’t even want that,” I agreed. “You also don’t care for my age.”

“Or you mine,” Warwick agreed.