Page 7 of The Best Bad Boy

“Okay,” Sarah said and clamped her mouth shut in stony silence.

I unlocked the gate and cursed her silently. Why did she have to be so beautiful?

“Go in the house,” I commanded when I had finally parked the car in my driveway. I dared myself not to look at her sad face or her bosom that heaved from exertion.

“Yes, sir,” she saluted. My cock pulsed for a second when she called me sir.

Get it together, Anthony. I quickly pulled my best security guard, and we collaborated on our stories for the police. I wasn’t home at the time of the shooting, according to everyone. Now, all I had to do was remain calm until they came and closed the case as self-defense.

When I entered the house, Sarah looked forlorn, sitting alone, perched on the edge of the sofa.

“Did you kill that man?” she asked.

“No,” I said. “He’ll live.”

“Oh.” Her blue eyes stared at the floor in abject misery.

“Come on,” I said and hoped I didn’t sound as mean as I felt. “You’ll have to hide while the cops are here. They won’t search the house. No need to. Just go into the basement and hide in the gym.”

Sarah nodded silently and slunk down the stairs to the dark gym.

The cops arrived quickly. They generally responded rapidly when a man was shot on a billionaire’s property. I feigned innocence and shock as they took notes.

“Just terrible,” I said as the story was recounted. “What did he want?” I asked.

“We have no idea,” the officer informed me. “It’s just good that your guard got him before he got you!”

I nodded and murmured in agreement. “Should I fear for my safety?” I asked.

“Do you have any known enemies?”

“No, not that I know of. I mean, it’s no secret who my family is, but I’ve been estranged from them since I was a teenager.” It was almost true.

The police officer nodded and clucked in sympathy. “We can’t always pick our family, huh?” he said. I just nodded. “Well, you be safe, and if anything else happens, we’re a short phone call away.”

I thanked them and shut the door. Sometimes, it paid to be an above-board billionaire.

I waited a few minutes to make sure they were gone before I went and collected Sarah. She sat on the floor, her knees pulled into her chest. Her chin rested on her bony knees, and her eyes looked so tired it almost hurt to look into them.

“Come. I’ll run you a bath,” I said, unsure of how else to comfort her.

She nodded and followed me silently up the stairs.

Chapter F


Warwickranmeabath in the massive claw-footed tub. I lay back, tired beyond my years. If this was the way my life was going to be from now on, was there even a point to living it? I sobbed as silently as I could into my hands. I didn’t want Maria or Warwick to hear me. I’d done enough damage already.

When my skin was red and pruned, I got out and pulled the thick robe around me. I followed the sound of Warwick talking down to the kitchen. He leaned against the counter and chatted with Maria.

“Are you hungry?” he asked. “Sorry, silly question. You must be starved. I sure am.”

I wasn’t hungry. The stress of the day had taken its toll on me. I forced myself to eat a slice of the lasagna Maria made for dinner. It felt like the least I could do. After dinner, Warwick looked at me and Maria.

“Maria, we’re headed to the beach house. I’d like it if you came to help out?” Warwick said. His voice was strong and commanded attention.

“Sure,” she agreed.