Page 78 of Falling Shadows

Holy fuck.

“But in doing so, they also let someone else know what you would someday be capable of.”

“Whatgreatthings you would be able to do,” Abel reiterates, which doesn’t bode well for me.

“Which is what?”

“We can’t be sure yet, the seer isn’t always correct, but once the suppression is removed, we’ll find out.” My father encourages the man toward me and my adrenaline spikes.

“What does that mean?” I ask, lifting my hand to stop him from approaching, but he completely ignores me as my mother grabs my face, turning me to look at her.

“I thought it would be safer to hide you, but I was wrong. I thought those who loved you would only want the best for you, but I was wrong. I thought you would be safer without your powers, but I was wrong. If what the seer said is true, your best defense… is you.”

“What does that even mean?” I plead, hating that they’re still talking in circles instead of explaining everything to me.

“All that matters is that you trust no one. Not even me. You don’t know what abilities another has, what hold they can have on another,” she murmurs, her grip on my chin tightening.

Why does it feel like I shouldn’t have whatever ability she’s talking about? If it has them both so worked up, I don’t want it.

“I don’t want the suppression removed,” I breathe, and she sighs as my father comes into view over her shoulder.

“As soon as we learned about the suppression, I had it removed. But the second your mother took you to Shadowmoor, you were draped in theirs,” he states, running his thumb over my temple where my black ink once sat.

“The mark is gone,” I breathe, flinching back away from his touch and he shakes his head.

“The ink was concealed, but the suppression still remains. That’s what my friend here is for.”

“I don’t want it,” I blurt, and my father laughs.

“When the time comes and your magic finds your soul again, they will either want to kill you or use you, there’s no in between. You want the latter and that’s what I’m going to be able to aid you with, Raven.” He stands tall, almost proud of the fact that he wants to use me. But for what?

None of this makes sense. I thought I was at war with myself over whether I wanted to be here or not but that was only the surface problem. Now it stands between me and my power. A power I’m unsure I want, even though it’s all I’ve ever wanted.

“I don’t want this,” I repeat, glancing at my mother, but she takes a step back.

“If I thought there was a safer alternative for you, I would take it. I might look like the enemy but I swear to you, I am putting you first in all of this,” Mama promises, another tear trailing down her cheek as the stranger my father brought in nudges on my shoulder for me to lie down.

“Don’t fucking touch me,” I shout, leaping out of his reach and landing on the other side of the bed.

“I’m sorry, Miss. It won’t take long.”

That’s not the reassurance I want. I’d rather be facing some bullshit Sebastian is throwing my way instead of this. I want to go back to the classroom and refuse to leave. I need the Bishops. I hate it. I hate that I can’t survive in this room on my own.


“Raven, there really isn’t time for this,” Papa states with a sigh, glancing down at his watch as he circles the bed.

“Stay away from me,” I grind out, inching backward, but there’s nowhere for me to run and he knows it. “If you lay a hand on me, Iwillfight and I will scream,” I yell, the rage inside of me bubbling uncontrollably until my entire body stills.

The fire that burned moments ago turns into ice, my rage simmering to a placid sense of calm as I move against my will. My father’s hand is aimed in my direction, guiding my rigid body to the bed. I scream, but no words come out, not a single sound, but it vibrates in my head so hard I’m sure I’m going to pass out.

Droplets of rain trickle over me and I have no idea where they’re coming from, but the unmistakable sound of thunder rumbles in the distance. Mama’s magic.

It doesn’t save me though, it doesn’t shield me from what I don’t want, it just storms in the room until my world goes dark.