Page 51 of Falling Shadows

I’m not entirely sure Leila realizes what she’s doing, but it seems her frozen state is aided by her ability to…freeze?

“Shatter it, Leila,” Professor Fitch growls from the outskirts of the pit, and his voice seems to break whatever trance she’s under. Her hands clench at her sides, speeding up the freezing process, and the water turns to solid ice except for where she stands.

Leila lifts her hands in the air, spreading them wide before clapping. The boom that echoes from the motion is astounding as the ice splinters into millions of shards and explodes around her. The pit becomes a snow-dome before our eyes and Fitch heaves a sigh of relief I didn’t realize we were all holding.

Raven claps as Leila rushes back up the stairs with a dazed look on her face. She’s barely sat down when the professor calls the next student.

“Zane Denver.”

Well, shit.

Turning to Raven, I smile, despite the panic flashing in her wide eyes. If I fuck this up, I want her to be the last thing I see. Lifting my hand, I cup her cheek. My body stiffens when she leans into my touch and lust floods my brain as I move toward her, delicately pressing my lips against hers.

She responds instantly, prompting my dick to come to life, and now really isn’t the time for that. I pull away, despite my reluctance, and stand.

Adrenaline pumps through my system as I make my way down the steps. I can feel all eyes on me as I come to a stop beside the organizing professor.

“Mr. Denver. Be safe,” she says with a tight smile and waves toward the pit. Excellent, like those are the last words I want to hear. There are no words of wisdom or hint of encouragement before I’m sent into the pits of Hell. I don’t know how I keep my lips locked tight and snark to myself, but I turn and step into the pit.

A weird sensation ripples through my body as I pass through the barrier.

I let my instincts take over as the sand sinks slightly beneath my feet. The water teases me from my right, like it’s not hiding a monster intent on devouring me. As Eldon did, I keep on the ground, my fingers flexing at my sides as I test the connection to my magic. I’m blessed with two abilities. Divination is my primary skill, which should work in my favor, so my secondary skill may not be needed.

Taking cautious steps, I’m acutely aware of the crowd watching me and I hate that they get a glimpse at my magic. It’s private, personal, yet they’re making us put on a show for everyone to see.

I instantly hear the trickling of water as I round a boulder, stunned by how fucking big it is. Glancing around the edge, I check the water levels before I rush to the next formation. By the time I’m in my calculated position, the water is past my ankles and the sound of the siren’s song starts to flood my senses. I don’t have long to act if I don’t want her music to capture me, but I can’t press my hands to my ears while trying to defend myself.

Curling my fingers, I focus on the larger rocks, testing the weight of them against my magic. Too heavy. Fuck. Genie risked it with a smaller one, and I don’t like those odds.

My brows furrow as the music gets more challenging to fight off and I catch a glimmer of purple hair before it breaks through the water's surface. She’s attacking quicker than the others did. I don’t have much time.

Her big blue eyes and full pink lips don’t hold their form for long and I watch in horror as her face transforms before me.

Move, Zane.

Curling my hands tight, the boulder nudges but doesn’t dislodge at my attempt. Fuck. Shaking my hands out, I try again, my brain ready to splinter in two to give in to the tempting siren’s tune and it’s all too much.

Pain rips from my arm down to my fingertips and across my chest, searing deep into my veins as the Siren gets her teeth into me.

The gasp from the crowd echoes in my ears as I close my eyes and focus on my secondary ability. My arm throbs, but the grip on my limb softens before I fall to the floor in a heap. The melody around me stutters as I glance down at myself. A second round of gasps bounce around the arena and I hate that I’ve revealed myself. Well, my magic, anyway.

Myselfis a different story.

I’m not there. I don’t exist. Only my mind and thoughts as my body becomes invisible to the naked eye. I don’t know how long I have before she realizes I’m still here, still a threat to her, and I need to act quickly.

Agony ripples down my arm as I poise my hands in front of me, biting back a grunt as I focus on the rocks once again. It moves a little easier this time but it still takes three attempts to get it completely dislodged. I’m using so much force now that it goes hurtling through the air, crashing into the siren without any further effort.

I stand frozen in place, waiting for the telltale sign that the siren is gone—when the water disappears. My breath is lodged firmly in my throat until the water level slowly drops.


Creed’s voice in my mind has me releasing the secondary magic clinging to me and my body reappears before the crowd. My gaze instantly lands on Raven’s, her pink hair like a beacon in the mass of people.

Cheers erupt but I don’t feel like a winner as I head for the outer ring of the pit. I’m injured, sure. I can get over that. But people knowing I can turn invisible, better than I can use telekinesis to move shit, feels like a loss to me.