Page 96 of Falling Shadows

“Let’s go, Shadow,” Brax hollers, knocking on my bedroom door. I slip into my school shoes and grab my bag, tossing it over my shoulder as I reach for my sheathed sword and greet him in the lounge. “You have a little something…” he lifts his hand to his cheek, hinting for me to do the same, but shakes his head at me when I do, leaning toward me to help instead.

I spot the grin spreading across his face as he inches closer a second too late, leaving me no time to react as he presses his lips to my cheek. “There, I got it.”

“Oh, you’re full of slick moves this morning, huh?” I fail to bite back the smile teasing my lips as he throws his arm around my shoulders and leads me to the door.

“You love it.”

I don’t know who this calm guy is standing in Brax’s shoes, but he’s just as hot as the broody asshole that still pops up too.

“I love to irritate you,” I grumble, stomping my foot down on his in hopes of inflicting a little pain, but he doesn’t even grimace. He just gives me a pointed stare as he leads me outside to where the others are waiting.

“Are you excited about seeing your griffin today?” Leila asks as I squeeze between Zane, Eldon, and Creed to walk beside her.

“I honestly can’t wait,” I admit as we head to the academy building. It feels weird seeing us all with our sheathed swords, every week adding something new into the mix, and, as daunting as it might be sometimes, it’s also exhilarating.

I’m practically bouncing all the way to Professor Figgins’s class this morning, taking everything in my stride. I don’t even react to Genie’s sneer as she boasts about being with my brother in the girls’ locker room. I’m too focused to deal with her shit.

Heading out to the field with Leila and the Bishops, our swords in hand, I’m eager to learn.

“Miss Hendrix, may I speak to you before we begin please?” Figgins asks, waving me closer. She walks me a step or two away from everyone, offering a little more privacy as she smiles at me. “With regards to this afternoon, I’ve arranged for you to meet us out here. I’ve never witnessed anyone have a connection with a griffin before so I’m not sure what it’s going to look like, but you just need to be patient and open to what it’s offering.”

“He,” I correct, wincing a little in embarrassment at the interruption, but she smiles.

“He, sorry. But if you’ll meet us out here after your last class, that would be perfect. After we’re done here I’m going to escort him out here so he can get a feel for where you are, but I’m assuming you’re more than ready to meet him.”

Tilting my head at her, I smile. “Do you have a familiar too?”

“I do. It’s a rare and sensational feeling, but I can’t imagine going so long without seeing her. She means too much to me.” I eagerly nod in agreement. That’s exactly how I feel. “I thought so. You might be best coming alone though, or having your friends hang back so you can get acquainted with him first.”

“Thank you.”

I rejoin the group, even more ready for the end of the day to roll around.

“Okay, we’re going to start by learning about our connection with the sword before learning the most basic, yet most important, practices when wielding a weapon,” Figgins states, reaching for her own blade as she stands front and center of the class.

“What did she want to talk about?” Eldon asks, quirking a brow at me.

“Ari. She was keeping me in the loop of what’s going on today,” I answer. That seems to satisfy his curiosity and we focus on the class.

“As I’m sure you’re all aware, when we selected the swords, it took a drop of our blood as payment. Did anyone not bleed?” I glance around to see if anyone makes themselves known, but it seems like we all got the sharp bite of momentary pain. “Excellent. That means your connection with the weapon is superior. The sword in your hand will literally be yours until the day you die.”

“What benefit does that have for us?” Creed asks, running his thumb over the handle of his sword, and I clench my thighs, thinking of those same hands soothing me.

“Excellent question, Mr. Wylder. If you die with this sword in battle, it will disappear when you take your last breath. We’re going to learn the language etched into the blade. You each have something different to wrap your tongue around, but saying those words will summon the sword when needed. Next week, I plan for you to come to class without your weapon so you can summon it when asked.” I nod along, impressed at the bond you can have with such a seemingly-simple object. “Now, everyone unsheathe your swords.”

The zing of metal escaping its confines echoes through the air, sending a shiver down my spine as the blade shimmers in the sun. Intrigued by the passage she mentioned, I bring it closer to my face to find elongated, cursive letters etched into the sword’s blade.

I read each letter but I don’t have a clue what I’m supposed to be saying. It’s undeniably heavy in my hands, a definite weapon when needed, but the thought of summoning it without access to my magic has me excited.

“Hold the sword downward, like this, a firm grip on the handle, without letting the blade touch the ground,” she orders, and everyone takes a second to get it in place. “Now, let a hint of your magic free, allow it to wrap around the sword, let it touch and learn and the words will come to you. Be patient though, it can take a few tries for some.”

My stomach instantly sinks. I can’t fucking do that. That shatters my hopes. I can’t just say that though. I’m going to have to act like I have my shit together like everyone else.

I don’t look up, worried I’ll lock eyes with one of the Bishops and find pity flickering in their gaze. I can’t face that, not when I’m hyped up for today.

Holding the sword as she instructed, I close my eyes and focus on the sword. Maybe if I tried… maybe with the suppression being lifted there might be something. Exhaling, I try to clear my mind, channeling all of my thoughts on the sword, but… it feels like just that—a sword in my hands.

Frustrated, I glare at the weapon in my grasp, hearing others around me murmur words that almost seem like a different language. I hear Brax murmur beside me, the handle on his sword glowing at his words, and my eyes widen in surprise.