Page 3 of Falling Shadows

I take the key hidden under the plant pot and let myself inside. It’s safer than carrying it on me in case someone successfully brings me to my knees. Plus, it stops me from using it as a weapon, which got me into trouble a year or so ago.

Kicking the door shut behind me, I sigh, hating that this is what my life has become. Shadowmoor is one giant pit of pain, hatred, and dishonor. Just how The Monarchy likes it to be. Separate us, tell us we’re bad for long enough, and we’ll just start to believe it. They live their best lives in Haven Court, where the sun gleams brightly and gold touches most surfaces the light kisses, and we survive in squalor among the darkness.

My head falls back with a thud and a floorboard squeaks from the kitchen a moment later.

Fuck. My. Life.

I would really love to catch a break right about now.

I wonder if I mention my head is pounding and my knuckles are still red from the previous run-ins I’ve had this week that whoever it is might fuck off, but a second creak sounds in my ears and I know I’m shit out of luck.

Holding my breath, I square my shoulders and curl my hand around the key I'm still holding. I give myself to the count of three before slamming my hand against the light switch to illuminate the room.

A figure stands in the doorway leading from the lounge to the kitchen and I freeze in place. I must have hit my head harder than I thought because I sure as shit can’t actually be seeing what I think I’m seeing right now.

“Oh, good. You’re finally home.”

His voice is the same crisp ice I remember in my nightmares. The only thing different about him is the scar across his chin and the gray peppering his temples.

“Abel,” I croak despite myself, refusing to refer to him by anything other than his given name. I’ve hated him all my life and craved his approval and presence more than I can bear to admit, but how he looks at me hasn’t changed. He still has the ability to leave me standing here feeling like I'm…less than.

A flash of memory from the last time I saw him flickers in my mind. The smell of rain in the air, the wind in my hair, the tears running down my cheeks, and Mama’s grip around my body as we left.

“This isn’t quite the warm welcome I expected, Raven.”

I’m still rooted to the spot, shock leaving me weak as irritation quickly cuts through my veins at his comment.

“I don’t recall inviting you here, so I’m struggling to see why you would be welcomed, let alone warmly,” I grunt, hands flexing at my sides as he simply smirks at me.

“Nonetheless, I’ve come to claim you.”

My eyebrows pinch, confusion warring inside me as I try to process what this crazy man is doing in my home.

Wetting my lips, I ignore him momentarily and throw a question of my own back at him. “Where’s Mama?” He rolls his eyes, waving a dismissive hand at me as he steps toward me. “Where. Is. She?”

“Really, Raven? Is that how I raised you to speak to people? Especially your elders. Where are your manners?” he asks with a raised brow and a look of disdain on his face.

“I was raised in Shadowmoor, in the pits of Hell. What would you know about howIwas raised? You weren't there, Papa! Now, where is Mama?” I hate that I address him with a title he doesn’t deserve, but my emotions are getting the better of me.

He takes two further steps toward me before responding. “Waiting for you back home.”

“I am home.”

He looks around in disgust but I don’t follow his line of sight, refusing to see this world through his eyes. I’m sure he can’t see in the dark as well as we can, or guess the curves of the shadows that mend at will with every step he takes. No. He’s used to the light, I’m sure.

“I played your mother’s little game and allowed you to hide away in Shadowmoor, but now it’s time to step back into the real world, Raven.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I fold my arms over my chest, anger bubbling inside me as his grin widens, spreading from ear to ear, leaving a sinking feeling in my stomach. He will take great pleasure in his following words and leave me furious. I can already sense it.

But even my gut feeling couldn't prepare me for what he says next.

“It’s time to get ready for Silvercrest, Raven. The most prestigious academy in the realm is awaiting your arrival.”



Ihold the duffel bag tossed over my shoulder in a death-grip as I stand rooted to the spot, staring up at the house I once called home. I barely remember anything apart from the night we left it all behind, and standing right here in front of it again makes me feel two feet tall.