“Enzo Reeser and Noelle are a couple now?” Faith asked. “Just how long have I been out of town?”

“This has all happened since Thanksgiving,” Mrs. Ardmore said.

“We also moved to town while you were away,” J.J. said. “That’s big news, right?”

“Huge.” Mr. Ardmore smiled at Holden’s little girl. “And there’s still plenty of time for one more couple to get together by January first.”

“What are you talking about?” Mrs. Ardmore said. “There’s a happy couple sitting right here. Faith and Holden. That’s your third couple.”

“But the mistletoe didn’t bring them together,” Charity said. “That’s the point. They have to kiss under the mistletoe and fall in love.”

Mrs. Ardmore nodded toward the back of the house. “I have some mistletoe hanging right out there on the back porch. Remind me after dinner, and we’ll make that happen.”

She said that as though him kissing Faith Ardmore was a chore she’d check off her list. He’d been thinking about kissing Faith since he first looked into her eyes on that plane. But that had been less than twenty-four hours ago, so it wasn’t like he’d had all that long to dwell on it.

“You’re missing the point,” Charity said, setting down her spoon and wiping her mouth before continuing. “Mistletoe has to kick off the romance to count. Holden and Faith already fell in love over in England, then flew over here together to celebrate Christmas.”

Yes, that was the story they’d spun. It had been a bit too over the top to suggest they met on the plane overnight and had not only fallen in love but decided to get married. People would naturally assume she’d met him and called off her engagement to the other guy, and that was what they’d let everyone think.

He was just hoping people would be polite enough not to ask too many questions. The whole lying thing just wasn’t within his comfort zone.

“I suppose you’re right,” Mrs. Ardmore said.

“You should kiss under the mistletoe anyway,” J.J. said.

Of all the things he might have expected to happen next, that would have been the last. Holden looked over at his daughter, who was happily adding more sour cream to her bowl of chili like she hadn’t just said something outrageous.

“What do you know about kissing under the mistletoe?” he asked her.

She shrugged. “I see movies.”

Then she smiled at him before spooning another heap of beans, corn chips, and way too much sour cream into her mouth. His eyes met Faith’s over his daughter’s head. She seemed to be fighting a smile.

At least she was in good spirits about this whole conversation. He, meanwhile, was struggling to imagine what it would be like to kiss Faith Ardmore. Or even put his arms around her and pull her close.

Yeah, maybe this dating boycott was starting to get to him.

“The Baptist church has its Christmas Eve service tonight,” Charity said. “We should all go. That was something we always did growing up.”

“You kids go do that,” Mrs. Ardmore said. “I’m going to turn in early. It’s been a long day, with one daughter leaving town and the other coming back.”

That was right. They’d mentioned Ana had headed off to the Virgin Islands for a shoot that morning. Mrs. Ardmore had expected to have two daughters for Christmas, and that was exactly what she’d gotten. They just hadn’t been the two she’d originally assumed.

“Can we go, Daddy?” J.J. asked. “Can we, can we?”

“I don’t know. We probably should get to bed early. You know what they say about Santa.”

“He’s still on the other side of the world,” she said. “We have plenty of time.”

How could he argue with that logic? She’d been checking his app all afternoon, so she was more aware of Santa’s supposed whereabouts than anyone. Plus, Holden loved that his daughter wanted to go to church on Christmas Eve. He just hoped it was a tradition she would continue as she got older.

“I’m all rested up,” Faith said with a smile. “But I’m not sure Misty Mountain’s ready for us to make a public appearance as a couple yet.”

“Oh, everyone will be so happy to see you.” Mrs. Ardmore clasped her hands in front of her chest. “Josephine and Betty have been asking about you.”

“I’m sure they have,” Nic said. “They like to stay on top of all the local gossip.”

The gossips. Holden had heard about them.