“Good for you at least.”

As much of a tight ass as her sister could be, their family always stuck together.

“Then his sister, Raine, came in the store a few days ago.”

“Why? How did you know it was his sister?”

“She asked for me. She introduced herself and then she told me what happened at the table after Brooks returned.”

“He told them you two slept together,” Dahlia asked with her hands on her hips. “Now I want to hate him. Why would he do that and ruin anything that you two might have?”

She grinned at her sister. “Why do you care? You were ready to push this off and now you’re not. What changed your mind?”

“The fact you stood up to him, for one. I still don’t like that you did what you had, but it’s your life. I shouldn’t judge.”

“No, you shouldn’t. Maybe you’d be happier if you had sex now and again.”

“Sex isn’t the end all to be all,” Dahlia said.

She shrugged. “This is about me, not you.”

“Just like always,” Dahlia said, grinning.

“I’m not going to take exception to that statement either. I want you to know what is going on. I don’t want you to worry. I’m completely safe with him.”

“Fine, your safety isn’t an issue. Luke knows him too. But that doesn’t mean your heart isn’t going to get hurt. You like to have a man that is around for you. Brooks has already proven he can’t be.”

“I’m going to have to figure that part out. I said I was fine with it.”

“So you lied already?” Dahlia asked. “Not a good start to anything.”

“I didn’t lie. I have to figure it out. And I’m not sure what we’ve got. We’ve had sex twice and have gone on two dates. We are going to try to go out a bit more.”

“So it’s not just a booty call?”

“Exactly. And if that is all it ends up being, then I’ll move on. I won’t cheat on him, but if he can’t give me what I need, then I’ll let him know.”

“Just as simple as that?” Dahlia asked. “Because nothing is ever simple with you when it comes to men.”

“No,” she said, sighing. “But he makes me happy.”

“I’m trying to see where that is possible.”

“I can’t explain what I feel deep inside, but it’s there.”

“I’m sure you’ve said that plenty of other times.”

She had. “But this time is different. It really is. And between his sister coming to see me and then what Brooks and I talked about last night. He knew he wasn’t getting sex last night and we talked all night.”

“He didn’t look to me like the type to talk,” Dahlia said.

“Well, we didn’t talk all night. We did kiss a lot, but nothing more. He cooked me dinner. No one has ever cooked me dinner before. Dad has never cooked us dinner either.”

Dahlia sighed. “There you go again. It always goes back to Dad.”

“I’m just saying. No one ever has. Has any man ever cooked for you? Wesley does for Jasmine.”

“I’ve had men make breakfast before.”