A Freaking Duck

“What is wrong with you?” Ivy hissed at him when they got to the hallway away from everyone and where it was quieter.

He ran his hands through his hair. “I don’t know.”

“Really?” she asked, putting her hands on her hips. “It looks to me as if you’re jealous.”

“Jealous?” he asked. No freaking way.

“I’m at the bar getting a drink and a guy starts to talk to me. I didn’t even have a chance to say anything before you made that decision for me. So if it walks like a duck. And talks like a duck. I guess it’s a freaking duck!”

“Lower your voice,” he said.

She wasn’t shouting, but she was loudly whispering. “You started this though you said I did. What does that mean?”

“It means you started itall,” he said.

“Yeah, well, you made it clear where you stand.”

“What does that mean?” he asked.

“Other than two emails where you kept it very professional, you’ve all but vanished from my life.”

“That was work related. Emails that other people can see or read. I’m not going to ask you in those emails to come see me.”

“You know my phone number,” she said.

He sighed. “I’ve been busy.”

There had been two more break-ins in the past two weeks. Both the same MO but yet there was part of it that wasn’t the same as Ivy’s.

At least that was what it looked liked from the camera footage they’d been able to get from some neighbor’s doorbell cameras. Those showed two people walking at night. Not running. Not carrying bags. Just two people at an odd time out walking where they shouldn’t be.

The faces were shielded and the clothes were dark. Being cold and windy out, they could be trying to stay warm.

It didn’t make sense from what he’d seen from Ivy’s break-in and hers had been the first they’d had any witnesses.

Didn’t mean it wasn’t the same person and now it was two. Or that they hadn’t changed what they did once they got inside, but both the houses broken into recently didn’t see as much destruction inside.

“Me too,” she said. “But I found time to send an email. You could have found ten seconds in your day to just text me the word hi.”

“Why haven’t you reached out to me?” he asked.

“And be clingy?” she asked.

He had that coming.

“One text isn’t clingy. And I thought the last time we were together we figured we got it out of the way,” he said.

“You do know how confusing you are, right? Is that why you’re still single because you don’t know what you want so you can’t possibly tell the other person?”

He didn’t like having that thrown in his face, but she wasn’t that far off.

“I shouldn’t have done what I did at the bar,” he said.

“Is that your apology?”

He wanted to growl. “Sorry,” he said.