“We do,” Dahlia said. “When you’re not being a little brat.”

She laughed and laid her head on Dahlia’s shoulder. “You wouldn’t want me to be any other way.”

“I’m not so sure about that,” Dahlia said, “but it’s the sister I’ve got and love.”

It made her feel better to hear that and she could relax now for the rest of the dinner.

She wasn’t so relaxed when they drove home and climbed the stairs to their apartment.

Dahlia went to put the key in, but the door pushed open when she touched it. “Ivy, you locked the door, right?”

“What?” she asked, looking down. “Yes. I always do. You know we’ve had safety drilled into our heads our entire lives.”

“It’s open,” Dahlia said.

She grabbed her sister’s arm as her heart started to thump loudly in her chest. “Don’t go in.”

“We have to,” Dahlia whispered. “I’ll call out first. I’m sure it just didn’t shut all the way or something.”

“I don’t think so,” Ivy said. She was careful about those things. She’d listened to her father when everyone said she didn’t. After all, safety was the reason she was so lonely half the time.

Dahlia pushed the door open with her foot. “Hello?”

“We’ve got two big bodyguards with us with guns,” Ivy yelled.

“Why would you say that?” Dahlia whispered.

“I don’t know. It seemed like the thing to do,” she said just as quietly.

Dahlia moved in a few feet, then flipped the light on and they saw that their living room was a mess.

“Oh my God,” Dahlia said.

“We’ve been robbed,” Ivy screeched. “Let’s get out of here.”

“Wait,” Dahlia said. “I want to see what happened.”

“No,” Ivy said, grabbing her arm. “Now. We have to get out and call the police. We don’t know if he’s still in the building. Maybe he’s in one of the other apartments.”

It just occurred to her it was barely nine and there wasn’t one light on in all the apartments that she could see when they pulled into the driveway. There were three levels and maybe everyone was out tonight.

She hoped it was that and no one was hurt.

Her heart was racing fast enough she feared she might pass out. She grabbed her sister’s arm and pulled her down the stairs, not caring they both had heeled boots on.

“Slow down,” Dahlia said. “I’m going to break an ankle.”

Ivy started to sob as the tears were running out of her eyes and blurring her vision. “No. I don’t want to be in there.”

They got outside quickly and jumped in Dahlia’s car and locked themselves in. Dahlia called the police. Ivy called Jasmine.


Need To Protect

The last thing Brooks Scarsdale wanted to do on a Saturday night mid-November was show up for another home robbery.

He’d been an investigator for about three months and these robberies were the first cases given to him.