That would be considered clingy...reaching out so soon. Nope. Dial it back. Let it fall into place.

But boy, was it going to be hard.


An Older Man

“Poppy,” Ivy said on Monday morning. “Just the woman I needed to see.”

“Shut my door,” Poppy said.

“Okay,” she said. “Everything all right?”

She turned and walked closer to Poppy’s desk. She’d met with Daisy already. Just like she’d been doing most weeks. Now it was Poppy’s turn and then she’d meet with Lily after lunch.

“You got laid this weekend,” Poppy said quietly. Poppy was squinting at her and looking her face over. “Am I right?”

“What the hell?” she asked. “Youdohave that superpower. I know I’m not walking funny. I mean I was afraid I was on Sunday and tried not to. Not that Dahlia would notice.”

Her body had been a bit sore when she rolled out of bed, but it was a nice sore feeling. After her shower she was feeling much better.

“Was it Brooks?” Poppy asked.

“You won’t say anything, will you?” Poppy wasn’t good at keeping secrets.

“Nope,” Poppy said. “Sisterhood here. Some things I can keep quiet until you want it told.”

“Okay, good. I need to talk to someone about this. I can’t tell my sisters.”

“Oh,” Poppy said. “Boy, do I understand that. I know you went to hand him the list like I suggested. You said you thought he was flirting. You sent him an email. Fill me in on what I’m missing. I got the impression things were moving slower than a turtle riding on a snail.”

“They were,” Ivy said. She told Poppy about the grocery store and the conversation in the parking lot.

“That was brilliant if I do say so myself. I’m kind of out of the loop and your move makes me proud.”

Poppy wiped away an imaginary tear. Ivy laughed, but it did feel good to get the praise from someone. Her sisters wouldn’t have said that.

“Thanks. I did tell Dahlia I had a date with someone I met at the store. She got a bit nervous.”

“As big sisters do. You didn’t tell her who it was with?”

“No way,” she said. “They’d say he was too old. He’s only thirty-six. Not that old.”

“Not bad,” Poppy said. “But it only matters what you think. Maybe you need an older man in your life.”

“I don’t know what I need.”

“I think you do.”

“Well, I do. But the age part makes no difference. We had the talk before. You know, clearing the air on expectations.”

“It’s always a hard one to have, but once it’s out of the way there is some freedom in that.”

“I never wanted a friends-with-benefits situation before, but you’re right. I was very clear about what I was looking for but that it doesn’t have to be him. He said he understood.”

“Good move,” Poppy said.

“Why?” she asked, frowning.