“Speak for yourself,” Brooks said. “I’m just too busy to come any other time.”

He was grabbing things off the shelf. She didn’t need much more and wasn’t going to spend money just for the sake of doing it.

Besides, why bother? He knew she was following him. No reason to play games and pretend that she needed more than she had.

“The same here,” she said. “But Dahlia was getting sick of my chattering and she wants to watch a movie tonight that I don’t so I decided to pout with some ice cream.”

“You had more than one TV in your place,” he said.

“Yep, we do. She’ll get the living room for her movie. It’s only fair. I’ll put earbuds in, listen to music and play games on my iPad. You know...winning at life right now.”

Might as well make a joke out of how dull her existence was in this town.

“Sounds like you are fitting in well with the majority of the population around here.”

“It’s a bummer, but I should be used to it. Oh, ice cream time.”

She stopped and put her finger to her chin. She wasn’t sure which flavor she wanted. It’s not like she had a favorite flavor, it was ice cream in general.

After some debate while Brooks was looking at frozen pizzas and chicken strips on the other side, she decided on Mocha Coffee Delight and Moose Tracks. Dahlia liked Strawberries and Cream so she got a pint of that too.

She caught up with Brooks in the next aisle. She really didn’t need anything else, but she was having too much fun to end this now.

“I figured for someone that wanted ice cream so badly in the winter you’d know the flavor you want. Or have a favorite.”

“No favorite flavor. Just what I’m in the mood for. I can put hot fudge on them all.”

She’d grabbed that before she got behind him again.

“Not sure it goes that well on strawberries and cream.”

“That’s for Dahlia. The other two are for me. Do you like ice cream?”

“There is usually a flavor for everyone out there,” he said.

“Yes, there is,” she said, her eyes moving over his again.

He smirked at her and kept moving toward the checkout. She followed. There were only three registers opened. One was ten items or less but had five people in it. She got behind Brooks in the other line.

“You can go ahead of me,” he said. “You only have a few items.”

“The view from here is pretty good,” she said.

He laughed at her this time. It was the first he’d done it. “Suit yourself.”

“Oh, I will.”

She couldn’t remember the last time she had this much fun flirting with someone.

Too bad she had no idea if he was interested or not.

She was going to find out when they got outside. With her five items, she could catch up fast and planned on telling the clerk working the register that.

When she got outside, she looked around trying to find Brooks, and as luck would have it, he was only two down from her car.

She all but ran toward him as he was unloading his bags into the back of his four-door truck.

She’d never dated a man with a truck before. Funny how that thought just popped into her head.