“Dad,” she started to say.

“I’m busy,” he said. “Can you wait until after dinner?”

She opened the door for her mother. “What did I tell you?” her mother said softly. “Dad is working. The table is his office and he needs us to be quiet.”

Ivy sighed. She’d listen because she knew she played a part in the fact he was working at the table, but she wouldn’t feel guilty about that.

It’s not as if her parents ever felt guilty about dragging their five kids all over the world with no say.

She didn’t even bother to answer her father. He wasn’t paying attention anyway.

Her mother and she got back to dinner.

But two hours later when dinner was done and cleaned up, she’d thought she could get her chance to talk to her father, only to discover he was sleeping in the chair when she came out of the bathroom after showering.

“Don’t wake your father,” her mother said. “What you were going to ask him can wait another day. Why don’t you go outside and play with Chase.”

“I don’tplay,” she said.

“Then go watch your brother while he entertains himself,” her mother said.

She quietly marched outside where her brother was kicking a ball around. “Come play with me,” Chase said.

“No,” she said.

“Why not?” Chase asked, running over. “You’re just going to sit there and stare at the sky. What do you think of when you do that?”

“A different life,” she said.

One where someone listened to her. Paid attention to her.

Talked to her.

Heard what she had to say.

Maybe gave her five minutes of their time before they gave her chores to do.

“Our life is still better than those that Dad is taking care of,” Chase said simply and ran off to kick the ball, leaving her there as her tears fell silently. Yeah, her eleven-year-old brother made her feel about one inch tall.

She didn’t know why she couldn’t be happy with what she had instead of wishing for more.


Experiencing Life

Ten Years Later

Ivy letout a sigh as she watched yet another coworker get engaged.

It didn’t seem fair that everyone was finding love and she could barely find a guy she liked enough to get naked with.

But Heather and Luke were perfect for each other and she was thrilled for her friend.

She turned to Heather’s roommate, Daisy. Another one that found a great guy. The numbers were dwindling of friends that she’d have to go out with.

“What are you going to do now?” Ivy asked.

“What do you mean?” Daisy asked.