She started to cry again. “He told me he needed space.”

“I’m sorry, Ivy.” Dahlia came and hugged her.

“What? No lecture that I should have seen this coming? That I have no reason to get upset over it?”

“No,” Dahlia said. “I know you knew it could happen. I know you’ve been really good about not doing all those things that he doesn’t like.”

“That’s right,” she said. “And it didn’t make a difference.”

“It did make a difference,” Dahlia said. “How did you feel about your relationship?”

“I love him,” she said, grabbing a tissue to blow her nose. “That is how I feel.”

“I meant that it wasn’t that hard to not always bug him, was it? That don’t you feel as if you grew and could be a more mature person without having a man in your life giving you attention?”

“Yes,” she said.

“Then that is my point. It did make a difference. Let’s get some junk food and talk about it.”

“Why are you being so nice to me?” she asked as she unloaded the bags.

“Because maybe I realized that sometimes I’m too hard on you. That I do look at you as my baby sister and not an adult now. Ewww, you got Twinkies.”

“I did,” she said, lifting her chin. “I’m using them instead of a banana to make a sundae and putting hot fudge on it. I don’t like bananas and ice cream.”

Ivy opened the box and then a Twinkies wrapper, grabbed a knife and cut it in half. She put it in a big bowl and found the first container of ice cream she bought, then a spoon and started to scoop it out.

Dahlia took the hot fudge off the counter and put it in the microwave. “Make me one too.”

“Really?” she asked with a watery smile. “Just like me?”

“Sure,” Dahlia said. “Let’s see how it tastes.”

“It’s going to taste awesome. Like regret and depression should taste,” she said. “As I walked around I was building it in my mind.”

Another bowl came down and a Twinkie cut in half and placed in it. Ice cream on top. She looked closer and noticed it was rocky road. She hadn’t bought that in a long time and had just grabbed it at random.

Dahlia came over with the hot fudge. “Just dump as much as we want?”

“Yes,” she said. “Load it up.” She picked up a bag of M&Ms and a bag of Reese’s Pieces. “Which one do you want on top for the crunch factor?”

“Let’s be adventurous and split them both.”


Once the hot fudge was on, the candy went next and then she grabbed the whipped cream and sprayed it all over the sundae. It was the tallest and biggest sundae she’d ever had and she was going to eat the whole thing while she cried.

Dahlia pulled out two spoons. “Let’s sit on the couch and talk. Tell me what happened.”

“I don’t even know what happened,” Ivy said as she sat on the sofa. She scooped up an overflowing spoonful and put it in her mouth.

Dahlia did the same. “This is surprisingly good.”

“I’m good at making depression foods.”

“So I see,” Dahlia said. “Talk to me. I’ll listen and be good. I promise.”

She knew her sister would. “I don’t even know. Things have been good. I mean I knew all along what he wanted and I felt I’ve been honoring it. There have been so many times I’ve wanted to text him something funny at work. Or see what he is doing at night when we weren’t together, but I didn’t. I respected his space.”