“All together,” Ivy said. “That’s how we roll. Don’t you remember Dad told us we always had to stick together?”

Dahlia hesitated, then said, “Fine. I’ll strip your sheets and you get all the clothes off the floor. You wanted them washed right?”

“Yes,” she said. Though it was going to take a lot of laundry work to do it all. Thankfully they had a washer and dryer in their apartment and not shared in the basement.

While Dahlia stripped the bed, Ivy grabbed her drawers of underwear, socks, and bras and dumped them all in a basket. They were overflowing on the floor, but it didn’t matter. She’d feel better getting those things done.

“You’ll be washing clothes all day,” Jasmine said.

“I won’t be,” Dahlia said. “I don’t have nearly the amount of clothes that Ivy does.”

“That’s because you’ve got the room with the smaller closet,” Jasmine said.

“Ivy wanted the bigger closet, not the bigger room when I moved in,” Dahlia said. “It works for me.”

“I don’t need a desk in my room,” Ivy said. She wasn’t fussy with what room she had. She was just glad to have her own room. Something she’d never gotten until she was sixteen. She had it for a few years, then moved to Texas with her grandparents to go to college.

When she was in college and living in the dorms, she had to share. When she dropped out and moved in permanently with her grandparents she had her own room and bathroom, but it never felt like hers.

Not like this apartment did. She supposed that was why she pushed so hard to get Dahlia to move here. That she wanted to share that with her sister.

“What we need to do is get to work,” Dahlia said.

“We are working,” she argued. “Why can’t we talk while we do it?”

“What do you want to talk about?” Jasmine asked.

“Brooks,” she said, grinning. “I need to take my mind off of this. Do you think he won’t come back?”

“There is no reason for the investigator to come back,” Dahlia said.

She sighed. “No, Dahlia. NotBrooks. The person who robbed us. And I’d like Brooks to come back. That way I can get a better look at him and see if there is any gray hair or not.”

Jasmine laughed. “I don’t think whoever did this will come back. Wesley said that he’d heard about the break-ins in the area and that he hadn’t heard of anyone saying they were hit twice. That seldom happens. I’d think you’re in the clear now.”

“I hope so,” she said.

They stopped talking while she put her room back together. It hadn’t taken long since she was washing all her clothes and just put them in a pile on the floor and the washer was full at the moment.

“This looks like your side of the room when you were a kid,” Dahlia said.

“Dahlia is right,” Jasmine said. “Only the pile of clothes on the floor is bigger now than it was then.”

Ivy laughed at the memory. “I didn’t always know what I wanted to wear and I hated to keep hanging things up.”

“We know,” Jasmine said. “But you’ve changed there.”

“Matured,” she said, lifting her chin.

“More like it’s your hard-earned money buying things now and you take better care of them.”

Her sister had a point. “It doesn’t matter. I do take care of my things. Now let’s go to your room. Are you washing all your clothes too?”

“No,” Dahlia said. “All the undergarments, yes. He had his hands in the drawers and pulled things out. But anything that is still on a hanger, he probably barely touched. And we keep saying he, but it could have been a woman.”

“No,” Ivy said. “I heard Brooks talking to the other officer about a description. The person was too big to be a woman.”

“If it’s that person,” Dahlia said. “We don’t know anything right now other than we’ve got a mess to clean up. And I’ll have less laundry to do than you.”