Which made him feel like shit. Guess it was a good thing that he said it in his text.

“I’ve been busy. And I’ve got good news.”

“What news is that?” she asked.

“We arrested the people who had committed all the break-ins.”

“Yes!” she screamed into the phone causing him to pull it away from his ear. “Now that is the best gift a girl could ask for today. I can’t wait to tell Dahlia. Did you find our jewelry?”

“No,” he said.

“Oh,” she said, her voice lowering.

“They robbed so many houses and only took jewelry and money. They said the jewelry was sold at pawnshops out of the area. They couldn’t give too many details. We searched their house and found nothing more than a few pieces here and there, but not even close to what was taken.”

“But they admitted to the crimes?” she asked.

This was the part that got tricky. “They admitted to breaking into over thirty homes. Some single homes. Some apartments. Some multi-family. They couldn’t remember the addresses. Not even the streets, let alone the towns or cities.”

“How could they not know?” she asked.

He felt the same way until he heard their explanation. “They were two teens driving around at night. They had no plan. They just drove somewhere, found houses and then parked a few blocks away and walked back to the cars. Sometimes they went together. Other times they split up and met back at the cars.”

“Which would explain why only one person was witnessed after our break-in but two people at other ones walking at night?” she asked.

“Exactly,” he said. “They always wore black they said. And since it was night and they were just out having fun. That’s what they called it. They never paid attention to where they were or what houses they hit other than they made sure no one had cameras or security systems at them or people weren’t around. They parked and then took off and found a house that seemed an easy one they could get in.”

“Jerks,” she said. “It was like a game.”

“I know,” he said. “But they were caught.”

It’s just in his mind he wanted them to confess to every single robbery, but they couldn’t confess to any exact location. It made it hard to know if one was left hanging or not, but the two kids met the description and even admitted that if they were in a mood and didn’t find what they wanted, they’d trash the place on principle. Sometimes they were high, sometimes they were drunk.

He supposed Ivy and Dahlia’s place might have fit since they wouldn’t have had much money or valuables there.

“And now I can sleep much better than I have been,” she said.

“I know this is last minute,” he said. “And we didn’t make any plans.”

“I’ve got to work until seven,” she said.

“Oh,” he said. “You didn’t say anything.”

“You never asked,” she said, giggling. “But it’s a busy day here. You’d be surprised how many men forgot about today or waited until the last minute to buy a gift. So I’ve been working in the store today to help out. I’m taking a dinner break right now.”

“I should have said something sooner,” he said. “I’ve been dealing with this case for the past few days. Once we got the identity of the two teens, then we had to get all our ducks in a row and get arrest warrants. It was done early afternoon.”

“Guess they weren’t in school,” she said.

“No. Both are dropouts,” he said.

Two sixteen-year-olds living at home about forty minutes away. They’d just get in their cars and drive and where they ended up was where they hit the houses.

He thought they were pretty dumb that they couldn’t even keep track of the houses they’d hit and just plead guilty to every address listed. The public defenders they would be assigned would fight that. Or maybe not. It might just be a plea and get it over with. Public defenders were overworked and this should be an easy case to get off the docket for them.

They were first time offenders. Which he didn’t believe. He believed it was just the first time they were caught.

Thousands of dollars worth of cash and jewelry were stolen. These were felonies at this point. The teens didn’t seem to care. One even joked the beds in jail might be more comfortable than the couch he slept on.