“I kind of forgot what today was,” Brooks admitted. “It got away from me in the past few days dealing with this case.”

“Dude,” Luke said. “Trust me when I tell you that I could give two craps about these kinds of holidays. Or I didn’t years ago.”

“But you’re going to have a wife soon and it makes a difference?” he asked.

“Not to Heather it doesn’t,” Luke said. “She isn’t into things like this. We’ll go out for a nice dinner tonight. It’s not like I’m going to send her flowers or anything. Not where she works.”

“Good point,” he said. “I’ll use that excuse too.”

Luke laughed. “I don’t think Ivy is very materialistic. I think she’s just young or I thought she was. She isn’t much anymore.”

“She looks young, but I guess I didn’t see her acting that way.”

“That’s a good thing,” Luke said. “I often wonder if I wouldn’t have either if everyone didn’t tell me what she was like before.”

He didn’t like hearing that. “What do you mean?”

“Just that when Ivy’s name came up in the past it was normally followed by something along the lines of ‘she’s young, she doesn’t get it.’ or ‘someday she’ll understand it’s not about her.’ I think looking back that maybe she said things without thought, but she’d never meant any harm either.”

“It could be she was so used to everyone telling her she was one way and not seeing it’s not what she was deep down.”

Brooks hated how she was labeled so much.

That maybe she had matured and changed, but no one was seeing it because they were waiting for her to do something wrong.

Just like she told him the other day that she was afraid she’d messed up at work and Lily ended up telling her how great of a job she’d been doing and they wanted her to focus more on things she enjoyed and excelled at rather than some of the marketing that took her a long time to do and wasn’t her strong suit.

He thought it was great her employers could see those things and told her that.

Not like he’d told her to her face. Just on the phone because he hadn’t seen her since she’d left his house Sunday afternoon.

“You make a good point,” Luke said. “I’ll let you get back to work so you can give her the good news.”

“Thanks,” he said.

Brooks picked his phone up and sent Ivy a quick text. He had to at least address what the day was though he had no clue what the heck he was going to do about it.

It was probably too late to get dinner reservations somewhere. Nor did he want to go out and deal with a bunch of people.

Luke was right—flowers seemed silly.

He could do chocolate again, but trying to find anything last minute like this was going to be a nightmare.

Maybe he’d just see if she could come to dinner and he’d cook for her? He’d take her out this weekend to make up for it.

He picked his phone up hoping for a reply but didn’t get it yet. She was probably busy and he’d hear back later.

He returned to his notes and was thrilled to finally close this case even if something wasn’t sitting well with him.

Thirty minutes went by and his phone rang. He saw it was Ivy calling.

“Hi,” he said.

“Hello,” she said. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”

“How come you’re just telling me now?” he asked, leaning back in his chair. “Did you think I forgot and you were waiting for me to say something first?”

“Yep,” she said, laughing. Didn’t seem as if she was mad or upset over it.