Her shoulders dropped when her sister left and she got busy. Anything to keep her mind off of Brooks and if he was scared. And if so...why?


Someone Special

“Ihear congrats are in order.”

Brooks looked up from his computer at four and saw Luke Remington standing in his doorway.


“It’s been a long time coming,” Luke said. “I’m sure Ivy and Dahlia will be thrilled to know.”

“I’ll let Ivy know at some point tonight,” he said.

“No plans on Valentine’s Day?” Luke asked, grinning. “I figured for sure Ivy would have something set up.”

Shit. He’d forgotten what day it was.

Well, he knew the date. He’d put it into his notes enough. It’s just it didn’t sink in what today was.

“We didn’t plan anything.”

Luke laughed. “Guess Ivy is okay with it then.”

“She didn’t say otherwise,” he said. “Why? Do you know something I don’t know?”

Brooks wasn’t sure why he asked that. He was trying to just figure this whole thing out on his own and was doing a shitty job of it in his mind.

After Ivy left on Sunday morning a month ago, the first time she’d spent the night, he’d sat on the couch and stared at the wall.

He’d done and felt things with her he never had with another woman.

He wanted to hold her all night long.

He wanted to hear her laugh.

He wanted to see her smile.

He wanted her to want him like she did.

But with that came the responsibility to not hurt her. He didn’t know how to not do that when half the time he was a dick.

He just knew he couldn’t give her what she wanted in the long run and he was starting to wonder why he was trying.

Hadn’t she already said that she was upset he’d canceled on her before but she was trying not to be?

She hadn’t said it to him once after that though.

So was she just accepting of it because she didn’t want to be alone?

She’d said that too. That she put up with things from guys because she wanted them to like her. He didn’t want her to do that either.

“No,” Luke said. “Just that Ivy likes to have fun. That she’s big into all sorts of holidays. Maybe it’s more with her job than anything.”

He frowned. Ivy did tell him how she set the stores up for all the holidays. Could be Luke was confused.

At least he hoped to hell he was.