“I’m always here if you need to talk,” Lily said.

“Thank you for that.” Ivy wouldn’t take advantage of it though. She’d been trying so hard to figure this out on her own.

She got up and left Lily’s office after that. She was working in her office thirty minutes later when Dahlia came in.

“I’m sure you heard the news first,” Dahlia said.

“About the baby or the new position?” she asked her sister.

“Both,” Dahlia said. “How do you feel about the marketing position?”

“You knew, didn’t you?” she asked. “You had to have known because you would have had to run numbers.”

“I did know,” Dahlia said.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“It’s not my job to tell you. Nor my place. I get asked to run numbers for all sorts of things that may or may not happen.”

She sighed. “I know. A little warning would have been nice. I thought I was messing my job up.”

Dahlia walked in and sat down. “I think you’d be told if you were. You and I both know you’re working a lot and not telling them. You should be paid if you are working more than your scheduled hours.”

“I know,” she said. “But I didn’t want Lily to think I couldn’t handle everything they were giving me.”

“They aren’t stupid. Lily knows. She brought it up to me today.”

“What did you tell her?” Now she thought she’d get in trouble.

“I said I didn’t know exactly. If you want to tell me, you need to get paid for it.”

“I’m good,” she said.

“Lily figured you’d say that. Just know they are watching. Not for you to make a mistake but to make sure you’re not burning out. I think it’s a good thing they are hiring this person.”

“I think so too. I said that. I’m excited. I wonder if they will find another flower-named person.”

Dahlia waved her hand. “Do you know the chances of that happening?”

“Pretty good, all things considered,” she said. “Oh my God. Sage.”

“Who?” Dahlia asked.

“Trace’s sister, Sage. She does marketing for some big company in NYC or something. I know Lily and Poppy talked to her at one point about a few things.”

“Whether or not Sage is interested, that is up to her. I’m sure Violet will let her know about the position. I just came in to check on you though.”

“I’m fine,” she said.

“Are you sure?” Dahlia asked. “You’ve been quiet lately. Everything okay with Brooks?”

“Everything is great,” she said, forcing a smile on her face.

She didn’t need to get a lecture from her sister.

“If you say so,” Dahlia said.

“I do,” she said.