“Thank you,” she said. “I always loved doing window displays at my old job.”

“And you should do them all the time. Poppy used to enjoy it, and don’t say I said this, but you do a much better job than her.”

Ivy put her fingers to her lips and turned an imaginary key. “You’ll never hear it from me.”

“We are just growing so much. You’re needed to help me and my sisters out, and the better you do, the more we want to give you from our workload. But we see that you’re stretched thin and not saying anything.”

“I’m making mistakes, aren’t I?” she asked. She shouldn’t be rushing, but she had on the last newsletter and found a mistake right before she sent it out to all the subscribers. But it was taking her longer than it used to for those things. It just was not what she was good at.

“No,” Lily said. “Though we all make mistakes, I haven’t seen anything. I just know that marketing isn’t your thing. And maybe we need more.”

She felt her shoulders drop. She didn’t want to give up any of her work, but the truth was, she didn’t have the skills to do the marketing.

“I understand. I don’t have the education or experience to do outreach more than the store.”

“We are looking to hire someone for that position. I need to find the right person and create the job description with it. What I’d like you to do is make a list of the things you are doing that fall under marketing. That doesn’t mean you won’t continue to do some of those things. It just might mean you’ll work in conjunction with whoever we hire for this position.”

“I can do that,” she said. “And though I love everything I do, it will give me more time to focus on other things.”

“And more time to be with Brooks,” Lily said. “How are things going there?”

Lily didn’t often talk to her about her personal life. Not like Poppy did.

And though Poppy was her boss too, she always felt like Lily was the big boss.

The one who everyone looked up to and who called all the shots.

It was nice that Lily was taking the time out of her busy schedule to ask.

“They are okay,” she said.

“It doesn’t sound it,” Lily said. “You can tell me to mind my own business if you want.”

“I wouldn’t do that,” she said. “It’s just, I don’t know who to talk to about this.”

“Talk to me,” Lily said. “Poppy will give you all the advice on how to keep Brooks happy. I know she’s the one who gave you the push to get it started.”

Ivy smiled. “She told you?”

“She had to get her bragging rights in. She was pretty proud of herself on how well it worked out.”

Lily was grinning. “She should be. Poppy is great and always around for advice.”

“But this is something else other than sex and fun,” Lily said. “And you won’t talk to your sisters because they are too close to the situation and are liable to tell you they knew something would happen. Or that you asked for what is happening. Not that I know what is happening.”

“You’re really good,” she said.

“Being the oldest has something to do with it,” she said.

“Dahlia is the oldest of us and she doesn’t get it.”

“I think Dahlia understands more than you realize,” Lily said.

“What has she said to you?” she asked. “Dahlia never talks about her personal life. Actually, she’s a lot like you from what I heard.”

Lily laughed. “She and I have a lot in common when it comes to that. She hasn’t said much to me. Let’s just say I understand her.”

“I’m glad someone does,” she said.