“I didn’t mean to insult you,” she said. “It’s as I said before. You talk so highly of your parents. I know you had a great life with them. I mean the way other people treated you.”

“It’s no different than the way you were treated when you moved here,” he said.

“True,” she said. “Not sure why we are talking about this. I need my beauty sleep.”

“You started it,” he said.

“You love to say that to me,” she said, laughing.

“It’s the truth,” he said.

“And you like to get the last word in. Be quiet, Brooks. Let me sleep.”

He sighed and hugged her closer.

She must have fallen asleep because the next time she opened her eyes it was brighter in the room and she heard the shower running.

She threw the covers back and walked into the bathroom, then peed quickly. It’s not like he could see her from the shower, but she didn’t care all that much. She didn’t have a lot of modesty when it came to things.

Maybe it had to do with the way she grew up. Sometimes they were in villages where the women and men were barely clothed, the children less than that.

She pushed the curtain back and saw Brooks jump. “Sorry,” she said. “Good thing you didn’t have a gun on you. Or maybe you do.” Her eyes dropped to his cock. Not ready for action but still impressive.

“Very cute,” he said.

“I like to be cute,” she said.

She nudged him out of the way to get under the water. She could tell he was done anyway.

Once her hair was soaked, she grabbed his shampoo and lathered up.

“I’ll get out,” he said. “What do you want for breakfast?”

“Just coffee for now. I’ll cook when I’m done.”

“I can cook,” he said.

“You can and I like that you have, but I want to do it. Please.”

“Sure,” he said and moved the curtain aside.

She finished up quickly. It’s not like he had conditioner and she didn’t bring any. She’d get the knots out of her hair and then dry it the best she could. She did remember a blow dryer assuming he didn’t have one.

“So what do you have for me to cook?” she asked, as she walked into the kitchen. “I only picked up dinner not thinking about breakfast.”

“Eggs,” he said. “Bread. I’ve got breakfast sausage in the freezer.”

“You’ve got cheese too. So I can make omelets with the sausage and cheese if you want. Toast too.”

“Sounds good,” he said. “I’ll thaw the sausage quickly. It’s those microwave ones.”

“Then just half cook them and they will cook the rest in the eggs.”

“How did you learn to cook?” he asked.

“My mother,” she said. “I learned at an early age. We all did. Not the boys.”

“I hear the sarcasm there,” he said.