He rolled and reached for his phone. “Four.”

“Way too early to get up. Go back to sleep,” she said.

“You’re shivering,” he said.

“It’s cold when you get out of bed and have nothing on.”

He had underwear on, she realized that. Guess he put them on when he crawled into bed last night.

“What do you normally wear to bed?” he asked.

“A T-shirt and underwear.”

“Get them,” he said.

“Then I’d have to get out of bed and put my feet on the cold floors again.”

He threw the covers back and walked over to a drawer and then she felt cotton hit her face. By the smell she knew it wasn’t her shirt but his.

She pushed the blankets back and then pulled the T-shirt on. She was positive if she stood up she’d be swimming in it.

“Come here,” he said pulling her closer again.

“Do you like to cuddle?” she asked.

He snorted. “Not usually. But I’m in bed alone more times than not.”

“I don’t cuddle much either. When I’m with someone. I used to have to share a bed with my sisters at times. We liked our own space. Or they kicked me to my side.”

“I shared a room with River. Not a bed. We had bunks.”

“He was on the top, right?”

“Nope,” he said. “I was. I was bigger and older.”

“Protecting him from an early age,” she said.

“Just doing what I was told,” he said dryly.

“I bet your parents might be the only ones you ever really listened to as a kid.”

“Pretty much,” he said. “How about you?”

“I listened but didn’t always follow directions well.”

“It’s not a bad thing to rebel at times,” he said.

“Oh no,” she said with a yawn. “No rebelling. It just wasn’t safe. That is why we all take such care to have doors locked and checked all the time. I remembered when we came home that night, Dahlia accused me of not locking the door or shutting it all the way.”

“And that would have gotten your back up being accused of being irresponsible?”

“Yes,” she said. “She felt bad after and apologized to me.”

“I’m sorry you grew up that way,” he said.

“Don’t be sorry. It’s nothing you did or had control over. Just like I’m sorry you grew up the way you did.”

“I had a great upbringing with my parents,” he said. “Just not a lot of money. Or not in other people’s eyes.”