“I suppose I can wait. You are coming home tonight or not?”

“She’ll be home after dinner,” he said.

“See you then,” Dahlia said. “Have fun.”

They got to his truck with Ivy almost bouncing the whole way. She was laughing once she buckled in.

“What’s so funny?”

“Your face right now,” she said. “You can’t figure my sister out, can you?”

“No,” he said. “Other than she’s protective of you. You said she thought I was too old for you. Now I’m less than ten years.”

“Until you turn thirty-seven. When will that be?”

“This summer,” he said.

He started his truck and pulled out.

“What is the date?” she asked. “Or don’t you expect to be with me then?”

She was still laughing at him. “July thirty-first,” he said.

“So we are nine and a half years apart. Sounds better than ten,” she said. “Not that I care. I really don’t. Do you?”

“No,” he said.

She laughed again. “You really can’t figure out what Dahlia’s issue is, can you? I thought being an investigator and all it’d come to you easily.”

He turned to look at her. “She knows we slept together?” he asked.

“Ding, ding, ding. At least my parents don’t know.”

He felt his face flush. “Good point. Who else knows?”

“My other sister. Poppy,” she said. “No one else. Poppy has known all along. She is someone I can talk to that won’t judge me. I told you that before. My sisters, well, they lecture and judge.”

“And they did this time?”

“It’s more about me than you,” she said. “I knew it would happen. Actually it was Dahlia more than Jasmine. Jasmine gets it. She knows me better than Dahlia does. She also understands that sometimes hormones just take over and there you are. I think Dahlia doesn’t have as many hormones as the rest of us.”

He snorted over her giggle. “So Dahlia is the one I’ve got to worry about and not Jasmine?”

“Why are you worried?” she asked. “I know you don’t date and now you are. I get it. Dating and sleeping together is a long way from a relationship. But I do want to make sure that if I’m sleeping with you I’m not with someone else and expect the same courtesy.”

“I told you I don’t cheat,” he said.

“I get it. But I’m not sure what we have. By your admission neither are you. You don’t make promises. This isn’t a promise to me. This is a moral value I respect and honor.”

Which put him in his place. “I’m not sleeping with anyone other than you.”

“We haven’t done any sleeping yet,” she pointed out.

“I’m not having sex with anyone other than you. And not even tonight with you.”

“Why is that?” she asked. “I was looking forward to it on my birthday and all. But I guess the chocolate is the only gift I’m getting.”

She was making it hard for him to be noble.