“That came out wrong,” she said. “And proves the point of what I was saying. I think you’re taking a big step already. You asked me here for dinner and conversation and not sex. Remember, yours were options two and three. I was one and two. Looks like you might have switched your three to one.”

“Looks it,” he said.

“And you aren’t sure you like that?” she asked.

He turned and grabbed plates down, then dumped the pasta into the boiling water.

“No,” he said. “It’s easier to not be tied down. Not as much pressure or stress.”

“Life is full of pressure and stress,” she said. “Anything I can help you with?”

“I got some stuff to make a salad if you want one.”

“Will you eat it?” she asked.

“Sure. Not a lot, but some.”

“But you got it for me,” she said. “I’ll put it together and you can choke some down and I’ll think it’s sweet.”

She was teasing his manhood right now without even trying.

At least he wasn’t pissing her off. He found he wasn’t getting ticked either.

What he saw was what his sister had said to him. He had a thing for the wounded and that was Ivy.

She tried to hide it, but he still noticed.

Could that be the draw? He didn’t want to think it, but he didn’t know what to think about his actions or motives anymore when it came to her.

“That’s me,” he said. “Being sweet.”

She bumped shoulders with him and then moved the plates to the island. “I’ll start. I’m the baby of the family. Not in age, but personality. You know that. I’m high maintenance as I’ve been told enough. I guess I’ve got a habit of saying and doing things without thought and it hurts other people.”

“We all do that,” he said.

“But I did it a lot. My most recent example wasn’t that long ago. My friend Heather got engaged. Well, you know Luke. We were at his birthday dinner. Daisy and Heather are roommates and while everyone is all excited I asked Daisy what she was going to do now that Heather got engaged.”

“Seems like a reasonable question.”

“I thought so. But Dahlia told me that it was insensitive. And since Daisy is in a strong relationship with a doctor right now, chances are things are changing for her too. Maybe she’ll move in with Theo. No clue. But I was just asking a question and then got jumped on over it not being the time and place.”

“It happens,” he said. “I’m the type that blurts things out too.”

“I think men can get away with it,” she said.

“Not as much as you think. You didn’t let me get away with it the other night.”

She grinned at him. “No. I didn’t. And that didn’t hurt as much as confuse me.”

“I have a bad habit of doing that too,” he said.

“We all have bad habits,” she said. “I need to grow up. I’ve been told that a lot.”

“So you’ve said. But as I told you, you seem pretty mature to me. Though you do look like a college kid right now.”

“It’s the boots,” she said. “I know. I get ID’d all the time. Don’t worry, I don’t think anyone would think you were my father.”

He squinted one eye at her. “Good to know.”