He frowned and then flushed. “Oh. Yeah, I meant no problem on the fact we wouldn’t be having sex. That it wasn’t the reason you were invited.”

“I understand that now. But why did you ask me over?”

She was positive Raine wouldn’t have told him about the visit to the store.

“Are you going to make this hard on me?” he asked.

Ivy could see he was struggling and trying not to show it.

From his hand rubbing over his face to the day’s growth of beard she wished she could feel on her body.

His shoulders were tense, and he was frowning.

She laughed at him, reached up and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

“I’m not trying to make it hard. I’m trying to understand.”

“I wish I understood myself.”

“Just talk to me,” she said. “I’m good at self-doubt.”

“Come into the kitchen while I check on dinner,” he said. “And I don’t normally have any self-doubt. This is more about you.”

She wasn’t sure what to make of that. “How so?”

“I don’t want you feeling bad about things. I know I confused you the other night.”

“You think?” she asked. “And it smells good in here. It’s nice you are cooking for me. I’ve never had a guy do that before.”

Which was pretty pathetic. “Probably too young to know how to cook,” he said.

“Very funny,” she said. He was smirking at her, so she assumed that was his way of making a joke.

“You did say I had some positives for being older.”

Her eyes moved over his body. “You’ve shown me some of them. I guess I get more tonight.”

“Don’t get your hopes up too much. This is my mother’s sauce and meatballs. She sent all of us kids home with some on Christmas day. I had it that night and froze the rest. It’s warming now and I just need to make the pasta.”

“That’s sweet that you are feeding me food your mother gave you.”

“I could have made burgers or a steak or something. I’m better at grilling.”

“This is perfectly fine. My sister Jasmine would be in heaven. She loves anything Italian. Did I tell you us kids all have something we love that we didn’t get when we were growing up? A food?”

“You did,” he said. “The ice cream for you but not the rest of your siblings. I’ve got some for dessert.”

“Awww,” she said. He blushed and turned his back. But he was trying and she’d give him credit for that.

“Back to you making this hard on me,” he said.

She moved closer to him and put her arms around his waist from behind. “I’m not trying to. I appreciate the effort tonight too. I worried about what we’d do tonight without sex.”

“Sex only lasts so long,” he said.

“It can last longer if you do it right. We do it right,” she said.

“You talking about it when I’m not getting it isn’t helping.”