“He shouldn’t be getting anything for the fact it’s only the second date that I know of unless you haven’t told me everything.”
She rolled her eyes. “Since when have I told you everything?”
“Good point,” Dahlia said. “But if you need me, just call.”
“And get you out of bed?” she asked. “It’s cold out tonight. I’ll be fine. Don’t worry.”
“Where are you going?” Dahlia asked. “To a party?”
“To his house,” she said.
“Are you going to tell me this guy’s name?”
“Soon,” she said. “I hope. Maybe. It’s two dates. What’s the deal if it’s nothing more?”
And she didn’t want to be judged. Even if she was hoping it’d be so much more.
“Have fun,” Dahlia said.
“I will,” she said, grabbing her purse.
Ivy hadn’t dressed up like she normally would for a date. She wasn’t trying to be sexy and didn’t want to tease since she had no intention of getting naked, but she still wanted to look nice.
She had tan UGG boots on that covered her calves, dark skinny jeans with a low waist and an orange sweater that rested on her hips. If she lifted her arms, she’d show some skin, but that was it. It was a higher neck too.
Her hair was down and some makeup on. She looked like she always did on the weekend if she was going to leave the house to run errands. Mostly.
Brooks told her not to worry about food, that he’d take care of dinner.
In her mind this was an actual date. What they were going to do for hours though would be interesting. They hadn’t spent more than a few hours together and most of it was getting naked.
As much as she enjoyed that time with Brooks, sometimes it made her feel bad about herself too.
She reached up and fingered the necklace her father gave her.
Confidence. That was what she was going to show she had, even if she didn’t feel it.
She pulled into Brooks’s driveway at six prepared to enjoy herself.
Before she could ring the bell he opened the door and yanked her in.
His mouth covered hers fast and her arms went around his neck. So much for what he wanted.
Their kiss didn’t even last ten seconds though before he moved back.
“What was that?” she asked.
“No clue. Just needed to taste you quickly knowing that is all I’m getting.”
“Sorry about that,” she said.
He waved his hand at her. “I didn’t ask you here for sex. After asking you over, I got thinking that might be what you thought.”
“We seem to end up there,” she said. “Whether you are asking for it or not.”
“I know,” he said. “But we both know it’s off the table. Didn’t mean I couldn’t kiss you.”
“Can I tell you I wasn’t sure what you meant when you responded saying no problem?”