He couldn’t remember ever having this problem before in his life when it came to a woman.

By three he finally picked his phone up and sent Ivy a text. Just saying “Merry Christmas.”

It was simple and would start something. She’d said the ball was in his court. He was assuming she was with family today and it’d be a while before she returned his text.

When he heard a knock on the door at four, he thought maybe it was Ivy surprising him again like last time.

He got up and went to answer it, only to see Raine standing there.

“Hey,” he said. “What are you doing here?”

“Just wanted to apologize,” Raine said.

“For what?”

Raine came in and took her jacket off and put it over the chair. “For putting you on the spot. I shouldn’t have done that.”

“It’s fine. I guess you made me think some. What’s your deal with this?”

“I don’t know,” Raine said. “You seem off lately. That’s not you. You’re my big brother. The one that always comes in on the black horse all grouchy and ready to save the day in his way. Those that know you love it, even if you’re rough around the edges.”

“Not much has changed,” he said.

“Sure it has,” Raine said. “I think it’s this woman.”

He shrugged. “Not sure why you think that.”

“Because you got up from a family dinner with no explanation at all. That isn’t like you. Actually, you wouldn’t have even gotten up. You might have nodded your head, but you would have stayed in your seat. This time you marched to the bar ready to inflict some damage on someone.”

“No,” he said.

“Yes,” she argued. “We all saw it. Then you were gone a long time and when you came back you were in a worse mood. You’re firm and to the point. Sometimes rude, but never insulting. What you said about Ivy was insulting.”

“Shit,” he said sighing. “I know.”

“I just wanted you to know that I brought it up again because now Mom has this idea in her head of what Ivy is like.”

He ran his hands through his hair. This was what he wanted to avoid and yet screwed himself speaking without thought because his emotions got the best of him.

He’d been a hothead in his youth but had gotten it all under control. Or so he thought.

Guess he was wrong.

“She’s not like that,” he said. “It just happened.”

“Twice?” Raine said.

“You wouldn’t understand.”

“I think I would. Or I do. Once means it happened. Twice means there is something more there and you’re afraid.”

“I’m not afraid of anything,” he said.

“I know you won’t admit it to me,” Raine said. “I’m not sure you’d admit it to River, let alone yourself.”

“Whatever,” he said. His sister was right.

“Everyone wants what is best for you. She seemed kind of young.”