They emailed twice, her checking up on the investigation and him giving short answers that they were still working on it. It pissed her off because she’d heard from Heather, who heard from Luke, that there were two more robberies in the past ten days and she wanted to know if they were the same as hers.

But nope, Brooks wasn’t filling her in.

Dahlia told her to let it go and move on.

Ivy wasn’t good at moving on at anything in life.

“Why are you so moody?” Dahlia asked her. “I thought you’d be excited for the Blossoms Christmas party tonight. We know how much you love a good party. There will be alcohol and music. Two of your favorite things.”

She sighed. “I am happy about the party. Just sucks it’s like more and more are hooked up and there I am, still single.”

“Stop it,” Dahlia said. “It will happen when it happens. I’m not sure how many times people have to tell you that you try too hard.”

“Heard,” she mumbled under her breath. As if she needed the reminder right now. “What are you wearing?”

“No clue,” Dahlia said. “I’ll figure it out when we start to get ready. We’ve got an hour or so left.”

“I don’t know how you can do that last minute,” she said.

“I’m not out to impress. It’s our coworkers. They see us daily. What’s the big deal?”

She shrugged. “I like to dress up. There is no snow on the ground so I can put a skirt or dress on and shoes.”

“It’s cold,” Dahlia said.

“So? It’s only cold while we are outside. Inside will be hot.”

Ivy got up and walked to her bedroom to start to go through her clothing. She wanted to feel sexy tonight. It’d make her feel better about herself at least.

She pulled out a few skirts and dresses and tossed them on the bed, trying to decide what would work the best.

Shoes and shirts came out to mix and match until she finally settled on a black skirt, sheer black stockings and an emerald green silk top. It was short sleeved, but it went with the Christmas theme. She’d pair it with something red and white at the very least.

She popped her head into the living room and saw Dahlia still reading on her Kindle, so she grabbed a change of underwear and the bra she wanted to wear and then went into the bathroom to shower and wash her hair.

Maybe if she felt like she was getting ready for a date she’d have more fun in her mind.

Only it made her think of Brooks and the guy that blew her off.

When was she going to learn?

He got what he wanted. She pretty much served it to him on a platter twice like an idiot.

He was very clear about what he was looking for.

So was she.

And yet, here they were after the second time when she thought maybe he was opening up to her.

She was the naive idiot everyone always said she was.

An hour later, they were at the party. She was feeling much better about herself now that she was all dressed to impress with no one to look at her other than women.

Ivy got a lot of compliments and it made her heart feel good. She wasn’t sure what was so wrong with her that she needed people to give her some kind of validation.

“How are you doing?”

She turned to see Poppy come over and sit next to her at the table. Many were mingling right now, but she had her wine in her hand and was sitting by herself and people watching. Not everyone was even here yet.