“It sounds crass when you put it that way. But I suppose. I don’t think you have too many female friends. And the truth is, I don’t firmly believe men and women can be friends only. Not unless one of them is gay.”

“You don’t think so?” he asked.

He never really believed it either. There was the fear one of them would have romantic feelings for the other and how do you turn that off without hurting someone?

He supposed deep down, for as much of an asshole as people said he was, he didn’t want to ever hurt someone intentionally.

“Nope. I’m going to sound cocky and I don’t care. I’ve been told enough times by my brothers and father, even boyfriends. Guys don’t talk to me to be friends. They talk to me to get in my pants. Maybe they want to date or maybe they don’t, but they almost always are attracted to me. And you see, you talk to me rather than running away. Though I’m sure you have an internal struggle you won’t admit to that you’d like to run away.”

She was good.

“I don’t run from much,” he said.

“Which brings us to the present. I’m not looking for anything more than some male companionship. If that is all I can get out of you, then I’ll take it. Just know it’s not going to last forever. You say you aren’t looking to date or be in a relationship. I am. Doesn’t mean it has to be with you.”

“Meaning if someone else comes along that you’re attracted to that could give you those things, you’re walking that way?” he asked.

“Full disclosure again. You don’t like clingy women...there is part of my motivation for our situation. No reason to lie to each other. That only causes hurt in the end.”

She finished her second slice of pizza. He’d had a second one too while they were talking. He was done.

“I guess I didn’t expect you to be so mature about this.”

“I’m kind of surprising myself too,” she said. She wiped her hands on a napkin and then her mouth. “So, do you get to see if my thong is red or white?”

He smiled. “It’s red,” he said.

“Because you asked me to wear it?” she asked.

“Because even after everything you said, you still want someone to like you. You want that acceptance. You did what I asked hoping for something though you know it might not happen.”

She shrugged. She didn’t deny it and he wasn’t sure why he was pushing it when she’d been more open with him than he’d been with her.

“You didn’t answer me if you’re going to see it.”

Brooks moved around the island and reached for her, pulling her petite body next to his. Even in her pumps she barely came to his shoulders.

Her arms went around his neck, and his mouth dropped to hers in a crushing kiss that was going to show her how worked up he was.

He wasn’t a gentle or tender man and she needed to understand that.

When she moaned in her throat, leaned back and said, “About time,” he knew he lost the battle.


A Booty Call

Ivy wasn’t lying when she said she surprised herself, but as long as it got her to where she was right now, she was thrilled.

Even more thrilled when Brooks swung her into his arms and started to walk out of the kitchen and down a hall.

She bit back the comment on that being a romantic move. She would have been just as happy if he picked her up and put her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes to march to his room.

“Is this answer enough?” he asked when he pushed the door open to his room with his foot. He stopped before he set her on the bed. “Last chance to tell me no.”

“I’m not saying no,” she said. “I came here on my own will with pizza and all. We both know this is a booty call. Maybe one of many.”

She hated to say that and saw him frown. Maybe he wasn’t sure he liked her words and all that told her was that she made the right decision. He had morals and values she was placing a bet on and if she was hoping that maybe this could turn into more, no one was going to know but her.