“Got any plates?” she said. “Or are we eating off of napkins?”

He took the box out of her hands. His manners sucked. “You can hang your jacket up in the closet. I’ve got plates in the kitchen.”

“Which is where most people keep them.”

“What?” he asked.

“Plates are normally kept in the kitchen,” she said. “Unless you wash them in the bathroom sink. I’ve done that before. Had no choice at that time with where we were living. It was the only sink that worked for a few weeks.”

He frowned. He didn’t get the impression the sisters grew up poor. Not with Jasmine being married to Wesley Wright or the fact it sounded as if all of them went to college.

“You might need to explain that to me. I feel like there are parts of your life that are confusing and I don’t confuse easily.”

“That is date talk,” she said, grinning.

“Fine,” he said. “We can call this a date if it makes you feel better.”

She laughed. “Sorry. I’ll stop being cute. Though I hope you think it. You know, you put it out there what you wanted me to wear.”

She was smirking at him and just had to rub it in. He felt his dick start to stir in his jeans and told his body to settle the hell down. There was too much to discuss before they went any further.

“I noticed half of it,” he said. He got the plates out of the cabinet and set them on the island next to the pizza he’d put down.

His ranch suited him and he’d done a lot of work in it over the years to get it to his liking. He had enough land at half an acre for him to feel as if he had space but neighbors close enough around.

“Do you want me to show the rest?” she asked. “Just a glimpse.”

She started to lift the brown wrap-around shirt she had in the back and turn slightly. “I’m good,” he said.

She giggled. Normally he hated giggling, but this was almost seductive and he didn’t even think she was trying.

He opened the pizza box and they both grabbed a slice and started to eat.

“You’ve got something on your mind,” she said. “Why don’t you start? I do have to say I find it funny since most times I’m doing all the talking.”

He liked she got right to the point. “Can I get you a drink?” His manners again. His mother would kick his ass, but Ivy had his head spinning like crazy.

“Water is good,” she said. “I know you’ve got it.”

He turned to get a bottle for her. She’d just sat at the island when he handed her the plate a minute ago. He was still standing. He wasn’t ready to sit next to her and this let them look at each other. He rarely sat at the table in his dining room and only put it there so his mother had a place to sit if she came over to eat.

“I don’t like clingy women,” he said. Not sure why he started with that.

“Full disclosure,” she said around a mouthful. “I’ve been called Saran Wrap before.”

He choked on his bite of food. What the fuck was he doing right now, he thought again. “We might have a problem then.”

“No problem,” she said. “You stated a fact and I gave you one in return. You seemed to like me well enough before you knew what I was called once. That was an ex when I was twenty-two. I try not to be that way anymore.”

“So you admit it was the truth?”

“Yep,” she said. “Back then it was. Why lie? Many say I have Daddy issues. They aren’t wrong. I’m working them out on my own. I try too hard with men. I don’t like to be alone. I’m looking for all the wrong things.”

Jesus. His dick was shriveling up in his jeans. No way he was seeing her naked now. At least she was honest.

“I’m not looking for anything,” he said. “My job pulls me away at all hours. All those things you are looking for are exactly what I can’t give you.”

“I’m not asking for any of that. I’ve lived here for over a year. I’ve been on five dates. Five stinking lousy dates. I haven’t gotten naked with a man in almost two years. What I’ve been doing here isn’t working any better than what I did in Texas.”