“Still here?” he asked. “Do I have to worry about you being a stalker?”

Her smile dropped. Damn it. “Sorry. I’m two cars down.” She put her head down and started to move away and then stopped herself. Nope, not giving up. She’d sent him an email to see if there was an update on the investigation a few days ago. It took him a day to reply and say not much but he’d keep her posted. This was going to be her last ditch effort and then she’d just move on. “You know, a friend once told me when a woman meets a man, three things come to mind about it.”

He shut the door to his truck and stopped putting his cart away. “And you’re going to tell me those three things?”

She wasn’t going to be put off by his words or the tone to them. Not when there was humor in his eyes. She’d like to think it was just his personality and she kind of enjoyed the moodiness of it. It was sexy and all.

Almost like a bad boy. She’d dated bad boys before, but they weren’t like Brooks.

Those guys were cocky with no reason for it.

Brooks just was...a no-nonsense man. She wanted amanin her life.

“Yep. They think—do you want to date them, sleep with them, or have nothing to do with them.”

“Pretty much covers it all,” he said.

“I’m thinking when you see me, you think a combination of the last two and don’t like that you can’t figure out which one has more pull on you.”

He lifted an eyebrow and smirked. “Oh really?”

That smirk got the juices flowing in her body and heating her up with the wind blowing her hair around. She was pretty sure her face flushed on top of it.

It’s not like he was telling her to get lost. He could and she’d do it. He was enjoying this as much as her...even if he didn’t want to admit it.


“I’m sure you’re a combination of the first two,” he said.

She smiled. “Yep,” she said again. “And since we both have the second one in common...”

“That’s what you’re after?” he asked.

“I’m not blind. I don’t think you are either,” she said.

He was looking her over again, his eyes on her face this time. “Only if you wear a red thong and pumps.”

“You were looking at my things,” she said.

No way she was going to be pushed off by his words. He was trying to shock her and she didn’t care. She’d come this far. She’d had two one-night stands in her life and hated herself afterward. Both times she did it hoping the guy would like her more in the end and it never happened.

She knew going in she might not get more out of Brooks than sex and, oddly enough, she was okay with it. She’d deal with any fallout later on.

“A little hard not to,” he said. “I’ve got a good eye.”

“You do,” she said. “Along with a lot of other things. I guess the question is, do we part ways right now or figure something out for later? Maybe another night?”

“I’ve got nothing going on right now,” he said.

“Other than putting your groceries away,” she said. “And you know, I don’t have my red thong on right now.” She leaned closer. “It’s white.”

He gulped. Poppy would be so proud of her and that was the only person she was going to relay this conversation to.

“Close enough,” he said. “But you’ve got to get your ice cream home.”

“I do,” she said. “Sadly enough. Doesn’t mean I can’t leave the house again.” She looked at her watch. “It’s only three.”

“Give me your phone,” he said.