“Not everyone, but a lot. Neat, huh?”

“I guess,” he said. “Considering my name and my siblings’, I’m not one to judge.”

“You do know I’ve got to ask more about that, right?”

“You don’t have to,” he said.

He was flirting with her. She knew it. She had a radar for this even if he was still stone faced. “Of course I do. You started it. Tell me, please?”

“I’m the oldest, my brother is River, my sister is Raine.”

“Water names. Water and flowers have to go hand in hand.”

Might as well be bold and toss that out there to see if he was catching.

“Water goes with anything living,” he said.

She rolled her eyes playfully. “Dahlia and I were just trying our luck at the slots. We didn’t do so well. Good thing we came here for the show first. She’s playing the last of hers while I ran to the bathroom.”

He started to walk and she followed along. “Do you do everything fast?”

“Not everything. Sometimes things are better slow and steady to savor it all.”

He turned his head to look at her. One eyebrow was lifted. He got what she was saying but didn’t comment on it.

“You don’t want to keep your sister waiting,” he said.

“She won’t leave without me,” she said. They were walking down the hall to the casino. Ivy was hoping to see if he was alone or not. Then she figured she might as well ask. “Are you with anyone tonight?”

“No,” he said.

Back to the one word answers. “Do you normally come here alone?”

“Most times,” he said.

She slid out of the way of people coming so she could stay by his side. “It’s not fun doing things alone.”

“Depends the point of view,” he said.

They got to the casino and she had to turn to go to the slots. He was still walking straight. “Have a good Thanksgiving. I’ll reach out soon to see if there is any more news.”

“I expect you will,” he said. “Have a good holiday.”

To her that sounded like he wanted her to reach out. She’d take it for now.


Had Each Other

“I’ve got the beer,” Brooks said when he walked into his parents' small home the next day. He moved through the living room, dining room and into the kitchen.

His childhood home was three small bedrooms off to the side of those main rooms. One room that he shared with River while Raine got her own space when she was born.

“I brought wine,” Raine said from the living room. It’s not like there were a lot of places to go where you couldn’t see or hear everyone. “Emma is bringing the desserts.”

Emma was River’s wife for over a year. He loved his sister-in-law and was happy his brother found someone in life to accept him the way they always wanted.

Enough that Emma picked up her life and moved here.