“Do you think this is the same person?” she asked.

Funny how he didn’t expect her to ask that question. “I’m not sure,” he said honestly. “We are still looking into everything. No one knows until the person is caught and you get a confession.”

The truth was, there were parts to this break-in that fit the others and parts that didn’t.

The other break-ins had small electronics stolen too, but not here. Only money and jewelry. Smaller, easily carried things.

No one in the other apartments had laptops, TV’s or any other electronic devices touched. They were all still in the apartments.

And though all the apartments were in the same condition, they were sloppier than the other break-ins. He wondered if they took smaller items because it was three places at once.

It could mean it was a different person too. Or it could be that they realized it was easier to grab small things and go. He just couldn’t get it out of his head that someone might be looking for something though and staging it to look like a robbery. He just didn’t have enough to go on and no reason to scare anyone.

“That sounds so much like what you’d hear on a television show,” she said.

“Shows often mimic real life,” he said.

“I don’t want to take up a lot of your time. Would it be okay if I reach out to you to get updates?” she asked.

Her eyes landed on his left hand. She was looking for a ring. “Sure,” he said. “I’ve got your information if I need to reach you. I never found out if you and your sister worked days or nights. Weekends? Sometimes it’s good to know a normal work schedule as we try to piece things together with these robberies.”

“Oh,” she said. “Dahlia and I both work at Blossoms. We are basically Monday through Friday in the offices. Or I could be in the storefront at times. I kind of float everywhere.”

That explained the products and the floral items on her. He was actually shocked he even noticed them, but she was such a noticeable person.

“Float?” he asked.

“You don’t talk much do you?” she asked. She still had a big smile on her face. He wanted to think she was flirting, but other than the touch of his hand, there wasn’t much sign of it.

“Not really,” he said. “Unless I’ve got something to say. You seem to understand me well enough with a few words.”

She laughed at him and he found his smirk turning into a grin. “I guess I’m smarter than people give me credit for. But as for my floating, it’s my position. My sister Jasmine manages the flower shop and the greenhouses. She was hired there first. Then I moved here over a year ago or so. I’m an assistant to the three owners and manage the retail store. So that is the floating part. I’ve got my finger on all the pulses in the business. Mainly in the offices, but I can be found in the store as well.”

Guess he was wrong about her if she was managing a store. He’d seen her age on her driver’s license and knew she was twenty-six.

“And Dahlia?” he asked. “You forgot about her.”

“She’s the nerdy one of us. She’s the Director of Finance. She just moved here in August.”

“From where?” he asked. He supposed he should find that out. Not that he thought it had anything to do with this, but being somewhat new at his job, he wanted all the details. He’d get that from the other tenants too.

“She moved from Chicago,” she said. “She’d been living there for about ten years. She went to college there and stayed.”

“Okay,” he said. “And why did she move here?”

He was typing into his computer now. “Because I asked her. There was a job opening. Jasmine was pregnant and our family is just all over the world.” She waved her hand. “We’ve lived like that our whole lives.”

He’d circle back to that another time. He didn’t think it had anything to do with this. “And where were you before now?”

“Outside of Dallas,” she said. “I moved here to be with Jasmine.”

He got the feeling there was more to it but not enough for him to worry about. Or think it had anything to do with this investigation.

“I’ll check with the other tenants and see if there is anyone that is new,” he said. He was more mumbling to himself than talking to her.

“All of them have been there for years,” she said. “I’ve talked to them and they were there before Jasmine. It was her apartment first and I moved in with her. Then she moved out when she got married. She was there maybe five years.”

“That’s helpful,” he said, making a note of it, but he’d follow up on his own too.