“It’s a nice strong name,” Poppy said.

“Just like him.”


Take Charge Move

“Brooks. There is a woman here to see you.”

He lifted his head from his desk to see Judy standing in the doorway. He shared an office space with another investigator stationed here. It was a small area with no need for more than a few. They’d be getting a third soon too.

“Did she give her name or what she wanted?” he asked.

He was lucky to even be in the office right now. It was the end of the day and he was typing up his notes from the weekend and following up on other cases.

“No,” Judy said. “She just walked in and asked for you by name. She has your card. Do you want me to ask more?”

“No,” he said, standing up. If the person had his card, he’d handed it over. “I’ll come out.”

He followed Judy out. She went over to the front where she greeted people that came in and took care of phone calls and any other administrative work that was done out of this station.

When he turned the corner, he saw the light brown wavy hair on a petite body. He knew right away it was Ivy Greene.

What he couldn’t figure out was why she was here.

She was standing behind the counter and put a huge smile on her face when she saw him. She didn’t look at all like the woman from Saturday night that was nervous and in tears.

“I’m so sorry to drop in like this.” She had a purse on her arm. A floral print one that was bold and seemed to fit her personality. It stood out more against the brown jacket she had on. The counter was hiding anything else from his sight. “I’ve got the list from the break-in.”

“Oh,” he said. “You could have emailed it to me.”

Which meant he’d have to type this all up himself rather than copying and pasting.

“I can send it to you still,” she said. She was still grinning. “It’s just...is there somewhere we can talk?”

He looked around. There were some troopers here. It was still a few hours before shifts changed over, but people were in and out all the time. Judy was at her desk where she could see people that came in behind the glass.

“You can come back to my office,” he said.

He hit the button for the door to open and let her in. That was when he got a look at her red pants and nude-colored pumps. Her jacket was past her hips and he couldn’t see what shirt she had on, but she still had the compact smoking body he remembered from Saturday.

Something he shouldn’t have noticed, but he couldn’t help himself.

Those three sisters had some good genetics for sure. Though their personalities all appeared different, they looked similar and were all attractive in their own right.

“I want to apologize for my behavior on Saturday night.”

“Don’t worry about it,” he said. “It’s a traumatic experience for people to know their personal space has been violated.”

“That’s it,” she said. “That’s it exactly. It’s not so much the possessions or the money, but the safety. Or feeling safe. Do you have a minute to let me know what might be going on with the investigation?”

“Sure,” he said. “Have a seat.”

Not that he had a lot to report, but he’d give her a few minutes of time.

She put her purse down and unzipped her jacket, taking it off and then turning to look for a place to hang it. His eyes landed on her ass that was like a beacon in those pants with her colorful shirt tucked in.

For the life of him, she didn’t look like someone who sat at a desk all day long, but she was very professional and stylish at the moment. Not to mention the fact she smelled fabulous. Like her apartment did. Which of course stood to reason since she probably wore all those lotions he saw there.